Monday, December 31, 2007
as those of you who know me well are very aware, the past several months have been a really emotionally dark time for me and thusly my family. but the past weeks have felt like we're finally coming out of it. until yesterday. brock recieved an e-mail from our land lord that he's selling our home in the next 6-12 months. and because of the market in spruce grove we are in NO position to be able to buy it from him. so again i am sitting with nothing left in me in god's whirling wind waiting for the storm to cease.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
well, it's my sister's 2nd anniversary today(happy anniversary amanda!). and it's also brock and my 12th year together. yikes! how did that happen? amazing how the world keeps running by and i never get older, just sexier!
"nothing's gonna harm you"

if you love musicals at all you should totally see "sweeney todd". it really was fabulous. WAY too gory for my Disney violence rated mind, but still such an endearing movie.i will defiantly see it again, and will probably be a quick favorite. could also be touching the hairdresser's heart in me. HA! that'll make you all think twice about your next hair cut! he he. don't worry, i promise not to kill you and bake you for profit.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
no time to relax
i know the holiday's are winding down and you're reveling in the post christmas glow. you may even be thinking it's time to relax and chill from all of the holiday bustle.but you would be wrong. come on people! only 32 days till my 30th birthday! get on it man! so much to do to celebrate me. (ha ha)
also i'm off to see "sweeny todd" tonight. he he! so excited. i'll give a full report later. have a great weekend and a fabulous new year!
also i'm off to see "sweeny todd" tonight. he he! so excited. i'll give a full report later. have a great weekend and a fabulous new year!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
the gift of laughter

simple mind, simple pleasures. i really hope i always stay that way. he he i got the first season of "who's line is it anyway?". i always bust up watching that show. i love it! and a huge shout out to mich Aden curt. best christmas goose ever! granted it's the only christmas goose i've ever had but it was SO good, and curt put on the best fireworks display. alarielle's first ever and she loved it. i was a little worried cause she hates loud noise and new things but she giggled and yelled "awesome!" the whole time. does a mother's heart good. merry christmas all. i hope it blew away all expectations.
Friday, December 21, 2007
the holiday cheers
woo hooo! i so far(which sound terrible cause i already have so much i could stop now), have gotten my blow dryer for work! oh joy!oh rapture! sounds crazy but i can't afford it and it's soooooo great, so hurray for mommy's and daddy's! and rae i got the BEST royal purple clutch. aw ya! on with christmas!
on the verge
well here we are on the verge of another christmas season. if you're in my house christmas starts today! actually it started in november, but the family celebrations begin tonight!woo hoo!it's our fist year home christmas morning with our kids,and this mom is so excited to have that time to start our own traditions with out kids. i love the family get together's, but you need time to connect and celebrate as your own family too. so here's to a fabulous and blessed christmas season, may god meet you in a new and fresh way this year and blow your socks off whether in a big way or a small one. peace be with you.
Friday, December 14, 2007
4 weeks
so within the last four weeks i have had the flu TWICE, a cold, and now my period. not really the weight loss program i had in mind, but it seems to be working. (ugh). guess it's better than actually being sick at christmas. 11 DAYS PEOPLE! happy birthday Jesus!woo hoo!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
martha stewart
i figured out what my whole problem with the home tour is. it's not the fact that women are coming through my house to quite possibly critique my decorating style, it's more about the cleanliness of my house. i am not a martha stewart cleaner. i am a total tidy up person, not a "move everything to clean underneath it weekly" person. so now i get to spend a few hours friday cleaning like a crazy person, and it still will not be up to molly maid standards i'm sure, but it's all i'm doing cause that's who i am. at least my tree is gorgeous this year and i get to pick up my flowers on friday. woo hoo! so exciting.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
my prayer for the season
i want to feel Christmas, how it used to be
with all of it's wonder falling on me
this season has felt so empty, oh for quite awhile
i wanna feel Christmas like a child
i wanna see snowflakes fall to the ground
my brothers and sisters all gathered around
singing "away in a manger" while we sit by the fire
i wanna feel Christmas like a child
it's been so long now, i cant' say
just when i lost my way
but i'm going back to how it was
when this day (season) meant everything
and we sent our time remembering
the baby child born for us
it's all about Jesus,asleep i the straw
this infant, this king, this saviour for all
so i don't need bells to be ringing
casuse i'll join with angels singing
and i can feel Christmas like a child
tai anderson
God grant me this remembrance of you so i don't get lost in the traditions and business of the season. let me sit quietly by the manger with your baby.
with all of it's wonder falling on me
this season has felt so empty, oh for quite awhile
i wanna feel Christmas like a child
i wanna see snowflakes fall to the ground
my brothers and sisters all gathered around
singing "away in a manger" while we sit by the fire
i wanna feel Christmas like a child
it's been so long now, i cant' say
just when i lost my way
but i'm going back to how it was
when this day (season) meant everything
and we sent our time remembering
the baby child born for us
it's all about Jesus,asleep i the straw
this infant, this king, this saviour for all
so i don't need bells to be ringing
casuse i'll join with angels singing
and i can feel Christmas like a child
tai anderson
God grant me this remembrance of you so i don't get lost in the traditions and business of the season. let me sit quietly by the manger with your baby.
Monday, November 19, 2007
today's love poem
so staying in "the Lord as my lover" mind frame, these are the truths i received from him today;
s.o.s. 4:7 "you're beautiful from head to toe, my dear (eve), ...absolutely flawless." (ugh! flawless? i don't think you're looking at the right girl here.)
s.o.s. 4:9ish "you've captured my heart, dear (eve). you looked at me, and i fell in love. one look my way and i was hopelessly in love!" ( what, really?! that's all it took?)
that's all it took.
s.o.s. 4:7 "you're beautiful from head to toe, my dear (eve), ...absolutely flawless." (ugh! flawless? i don't think you're looking at the right girl here.)
s.o.s. 4:9ish "you've captured my heart, dear (eve). you looked at me, and i fell in love. one look my way and i was hopelessly in love!" ( what, really?! that's all it took?)
that's all it took.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
post retreat
the typical conversitions goes;
"how was retreat?"
"oh good, what was so great?"
how do you start to try to glimpse some one into the healing, brokenness, wonders, and tears of those particular moments? you don't so you just say "oh, God did some amazing stuff.". which is true, but you'll never capture the essence of the moments shared.
so, what did i "learn" at retreat? i learned; i am still very broken and far too raw to face it still. as much i think i'm fine and so much better, my soul is still in a very preciously raw place. and it's going to take my and my love(Jesus), a long time to figure this one out for me. the grace lesson i received was one of rest with my lover. i didn't have a life changing, world altering weekend, but i did find the Lord as my lover and we spent time in rest. the hard part is coming back home to the craziness of day to day and knowing he's still calling me to that place of rest, and will be for quite awhile. so here's my fun quote from the weekend;
"if , then, you are wise, you will show yourself to be a reservoir rather than a canal. for a canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus communicates, without loss to itself, its super abundant water. "
Bernard of clairvaux 12th century
"how was retreat?"
"oh good, what was so great?"
how do you start to try to glimpse some one into the healing, brokenness, wonders, and tears of those particular moments? you don't so you just say "oh, God did some amazing stuff.". which is true, but you'll never capture the essence of the moments shared.
so, what did i "learn" at retreat? i learned; i am still very broken and far too raw to face it still. as much i think i'm fine and so much better, my soul is still in a very preciously raw place. and it's going to take my and my love(Jesus), a long time to figure this one out for me. the grace lesson i received was one of rest with my lover. i didn't have a life changing, world altering weekend, but i did find the Lord as my lover and we spent time in rest. the hard part is coming back home to the craziness of day to day and knowing he's still calling me to that place of rest, and will be for quite awhile. so here's my fun quote from the weekend;
"if , then, you are wise, you will show yourself to be a reservoir rather than a canal. for a canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus communicates, without loss to itself, its super abundant water. "
Bernard of clairvaux 12th century
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
ramdon bits of chaos
my weeks seems to be rag tag pieces of chaos interwoven into days some how. so survival is of the up most importance. ha ha! at least i have the "arrogant worms" concert on thurday. this'll be the 3rd time i've seem them in concert. and it gets better each time. go you crazy canucks!
Monday, November 12, 2007
what is it that's so great about the christmas tree. as soon as it's up and i'm sitting in it's glow the world is gone and there's really nothing but peace. it's one of the few things that can shut my brain off instantly and keep it still so i can just rest. maybe that's why i decorate so early. or it could just be cause i'm nuts! which i also openly embrace. this year with my house being in the home tour i had to write up a little blurb about my decorating style, and name my house. ugh! so i named it "icy feathers", sounds like some stripper's name. giggle. i was kind of nervous cause amy and i both ended up doing a peacock tree. but they look nothing alike . makes me relieved. all us girls in the home tour are supposed to go and see each other's homes the Friday night before the home tour, since we can't go during, but i'm not totally convinced that i'm going. sounds silly i know, but i'm totally intimidated by other people's decorating. I KNOW! so weird for me to be intimated by anything, buy it's true. so here's to overcoming self doubt and hopefully i'll suck it up and leave my house. woo hoo! it's retreat stuff tomorrow!
Friday, November 9, 2007
so tired
ugh i'm sleepy, but it's been a while so here's a quick note. yay! it's only 45ish sleeps till Christmas which also means retreat is next weekend and although i don't have tones to do left i still have some things to get and to get organized. it'll be great once we're there and all set up. God's gonna do some awesome stuff next weekend. too bad to all who aren't gonna be there. then it's only 2 weeks till the home tour. i have to put up my tree this weekend since i'm gone next weekend. that only gives me one flex weekend to put the final touches on the house of "icy feathers". sounds like a stripper name. he he. then it's a week till thanks christmaukka, he he! then 2 weeks till christmas! ah blessed christmas............
Sunday, November 4, 2007
hey 100 posts! woo hoo for me!
so you say crazy. i say gleeful fun! i must say i literally skipped into my kids room this morning and wished them a merry Christmas. that's right baby! it snowed! so i have started my decorating. oh ya! Christmas is coming! happy birthday Jesus!
so you say crazy. i say gleeful fun! i must say i literally skipped into my kids room this morning and wished them a merry Christmas. that's right baby! it snowed! so i have started my decorating. oh ya! Christmas is coming! happy birthday Jesus!
Friday, November 2, 2007
are you kidding me?!
so i've been researching IBS diets and i think i'm gonna starve! i can't eat: coffee, caffeine, alcohol, carbonation, artificial sweeteners, artificial fats, and msg. i shouldn't eat: salad dressings, tarter sauce, cool whip, coconut, solid chocolate, olives, nuts, pastries, potato chips (unless they're baked), fried foods, anything skillet fried, shortening, margarine, any oils, mayonnaise, egg yolks, dairy, poultry dark meat and skin, and red meat. SERIOUSLY! what am i left with? ugh, this is really gonna take some getting used to. then there's a whole list of things i have to eat in conjunction with a different list of foods and only at certain times. whole wheat, whole grains, seeds, nuts, popcorn, beans, lentils, berries, grapes, raisins, cherries, pineapple, rhubarb, melon, peaches, nectarines, apricots, pears, citrus fruits, apple peels, dates, prunes, peas, green beans, bell peppers, corn, eggplant, cucumber, tomatoes, celery, onions, shallots,leeks, garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, fresh herbs. trust me when i say the list of totally safe foods is not long. cause there's not much left! well, here's to a hungrier, healthier me!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
singing her praises
it's amazing what a true friend will do for you. the ridiculous lengths that they will go to to tickle your ridiculous fancies without question or judgement. hat's off to you you dear friend! you made my day because you cared enough to be obsessive for me. that's a right arm when you need them friend.
Monday, October 29, 2007
amen sister
take a quick read at rae's post and see if you don't also agree. let's start our own band wagon.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
drummer boy revisited
it wasn't a night very different than any other night really. we we all glad to be out in the fields with the sheep, and not in town with all the chaos. Cesar had called for a census and there was no room to move down there, so to spend the evening upon the hillside with the sheep was very welcome. my dad and i spent most of our nights there, along with several others, it's just the way of life for Shepard's. and as i said, this night did not start out special or significant in any way, we had no idea our lives would never be the same. a few of us were grabbing some rest while the others were keeping warm near the fire. not much was being said, it was dark and late. i couldn't sleep that night, just felt anxious, like i was standing at the edge of something wonderful, something much bigger than me. so i sat near the warmth of the fire and tapped away on my drum, trying to work out the anxiety. then from out of nowhere the sky burst forth into a light brighter than any day i had known. everyone was awoken and desperately trying to get their eyes to adjust to this glorious light. as we shaded our eyes in a vain attempt to see what was before us, angels that filled the whole night sky cried out,"glory to God in the highest, and peace, goodwill on earth towards men!" the told us of an infant who had been born that night in the village. He was our saviour and our king! and in as quick of an instant as they had appeared, they were gone. we sat in a moment of silence, struck in awe of what had just happened to us. then through the darkness someone shouted, " we must go and find this child!we must find our king!" and before he could even finish what he was saying, we were off, running down the hills, tripping over our own two feet, our robes tangling between our legs. we came to the stable in town, inside we found a father and mother with their new born babe wrapped in rags laying in the animals food trough. such a meager start to life for this little one who was supposed to be our savior. yet as we entered the cave, there was a wave of peace and joy that washed over us all like a tidal wave. no one said anything, there was no need. i came up beside that trough and knelt down beside the babe. he started to fuss." shall i play for you little one?" i asked, his mother nodded to me in agreement and swept him up to her chest. i began to beat away at my drum in hopes of offering this child a gift,something, anything! for i had no possessions of my own to give, and yet in my heart i knew he deserved everything i had. i played with everything in me and the night air resounded with music filled with adoration for this little babe.even the animals seemed to be keeping time. as my song came to an end, i found my eyes fixed on this little child,and he looked at me, and smiled. in that smile was all the love in the world, his eyes seemed to hold everything that has ever been or was yet to come. so much was wrapped up in this tiny bundle, and all my soul wanted to do was to pour out adoration, love and worship to him. as we left that night to tell of all we had seen and heard, i knew this child would change the world. he was my savior.
Friday, October 26, 2007
first real victory!
we have touch down! the first time alarielle let us know she needed to use the potty, and we got a #1 and a #2! HAHA! LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!
etiquite for men by g.r.m. devereux
sometimes a man becomes a little thoughtless of those around him; sometimes a wife will tend to spoil her husband by not expecting, and requiring, from him the same amount of courtesy which she would expect from another man. in either case the position is to be regretted, for no mas should allow himself to extend to his wife less courteous treatment than he would extend to any other woman.
such things as carry a heavy parcel, opening a door, giving "right of way" on the stairs, placing a chair at the table- these and countless other small services are rendered as a matter of course for any lady with whom a man comes in contact; and he should never think twice before performing similar services for the ladies in his own home. when there are children in the home even greater care should be taken that courtesy between the grown members of the family is evident. this is because children are so apt to copy the examples of their elders. the finest way in which children can be trained to grow up into thoughtful , courteous, and considerate men and women is by surrounding them with those qualities through out their younger days.
published 1929
i think there's something to be said in regressing a little but. sure wouldn't hurt society to give it a try.
such things as carry a heavy parcel, opening a door, giving "right of way" on the stairs, placing a chair at the table- these and countless other small services are rendered as a matter of course for any lady with whom a man comes in contact; and he should never think twice before performing similar services for the ladies in his own home. when there are children in the home even greater care should be taken that courtesy between the grown members of the family is evident. this is because children are so apt to copy the examples of their elders. the finest way in which children can be trained to grow up into thoughtful , courteous, and considerate men and women is by surrounding them with those qualities through out their younger days.
published 1929
i think there's something to be said in regressing a little but. sure wouldn't hurt society to give it a try.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i miss
i miss being able to spend an hour or more just driving. nothing but you in your little bubble, singing loudly and badly to only the best songs on the radio, and your world is left behind you. even for a moment. somthing so refreshing about it. doesn't seem as cool in a craven. he he
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
62 days
well as my coutdown on facebook tells me there's only 62 days till the best day of the year(other than rachel's b-day!). that means i get to decorate my house in a possible 11 days.he he! and i am pretty much half done my christmas shopping already. thank goodness with only 62 days left. which also means that there's only 45 days till thanks-christmica! oh the joy the holidays bring! happy shopping all!
Friday, October 19, 2007
as if potty training isn't enough, alarielle got a hold of dark blue nail polish and painted herself...sigh.
sitting at the flood gates, waiting for the revelation.kinda how i'm feeling today, which is good and kinda not for some spend most of your life, at least i have, very confident in who i am and how i have been created. i mean we all have off days, but when you start counting in months, you lose heart some days.what am i waiting for, how much farther do i have to go, am i going along willingly, or being dragged along in sheer obliviousness. are my hearts desires in line, or childish wisps floating above my head that i'm trying to hard to desperately cling to.
Monday, October 15, 2007
movie moment
so in my "despondent phase", i prayed to be romanced by God. pretty lofty and somewhat odd request, but very needed for me. so i went for a walk today and had a "date" with God. it was time for sunset so the world was drenched in amber, which was only magnified by all the fall colors. there were blue jays and squirrels, and every song on random on my MP3 was perfect. i was even given a song from Him and told just to receive it from my lover to be romanced. so odd to have God sing to you through Darren Hayes, but it was a beautiful moment for which i am singing His praises for. ask and you shall receive.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
i dunno if this really counts as my day of rest. but i do feel better. i sent brock and the kids to his parents, changed the kids rooms around, added a play room , rearranged the old play room , and cleaned out the dinning room and living room of all the crap that adds up over the years,and then redecorated them. did some cleaning in the kitchen, but that'll take another day to really do, and i still have the other side of the basement to tackle this winter. but that's so bad it's a two person job. but just with the crap from today i filled our giant black bin with trash. woooh. i am tired and satisfied with accomplishment.
Friday, October 12, 2007
t.g.i.f. i'm so done with the world. but next week i only work 2 days. this could be a saving grace for me. if i can make it through to then. but i think it'll be a low key weekend(i hope) this weekend. i may throw down to keep it that way, if i have to. HA! so enjoy your weekend and have a drink for me. or two. if you hit three i'm coming over!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
so tired. worked till 8 last night, picked up michelle at the airport at 12:00, back at work at 9:30 in the morn. we were all a little goofy and tired on the drive home. but i'm glad to have her home. it's always great when a good friend returns into your company.
yet life is still crazy and i don't see an end in sight this year. yikes. how can there be that much to be involved in? and i'm totally pumped about all of my commitments and totally drained too. hard to find a balance to keep life in the soul.
yet life is still crazy and i don't see an end in sight this year. yikes. how can there be that much to be involved in? and i'm totally pumped about all of my commitments and totally drained too. hard to find a balance to keep life in the soul.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
the adult i've become
penny and i were leaving ball class last night, and after being the rowdy goofballs in the bunch, pen said "maybe we should take life more seriously, we seem to be the nut jobs in the bunch." "ya, you're right. we totally should." i said. to which i slapped her in the arm and yelled "TAG! your it!" and took off down the hall at full tilt. ain't it great to be grown up and mature.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
walmart produce
i know it's not a new thing in the states, but here in little ol canada it's mind blowing. but impressive i must say. i may even have to make special trips to the city to go grocery shopping now. not a fun idea, but at least everything was stocked. not so much at our superstore. but it's off to the pool this afternoon. amazing how quiet it is at 3:30 at the tri. ahhhh, silence.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
happy thanksgiving canada
woo hoo to the long weekend. the weekend of food, food, food and family. and by the end of it all, you're done with it all. but it's fun while it lasts. so eat harty and enjoy your family.
p.s. rae i love your new found quote:"the very scary thing about religion , to me, is that people actually believe God is who they think he is." yikes.
p.s. rae i love your new found quote:"the very scary thing about religion , to me, is that people actually believe God is who they think he is." yikes.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
why is it any time the boss leaves the entire work world goes to pot! gggrrrrrrrrr. and they're calling for snow fluries tomorrow! we haven't even brought in the patio set yet. gggggrrrrrr.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
bad idea
never miss your work out class for a month then go back to it, and go swimming all in the same day. this is gonna hurt tomorow.
Monday, September 24, 2007
pop culture
so i was just watching popaganda and it was an episode about how religion has influenced pop music. what a surprise that some use it for album sales, but there was a quote i liked. they were talking about bono and how he has done more to promote Christianity through his actions than those who walk around proudly displaying their faith as a brand name. i can only aspire to be and do the same.
i must say it's much too cold lately, but today turned into one of those beautiful fall days you wait for all year. lots of leaves to crunch under your feet, and a warm sun to kiss your face. lovely day for a walk with the snells dogs. ha! funny when you have to join others to walk the dog. but only 3 days till ugly betty!
Friday, September 21, 2007
apologies and confessions 2
check out Rae's blog for apologies and confessions#1. i've had way too many days like that in the past bit more than a month. today, not any better. but it's almost over and sleep is coming. ahhh sleep. and while i feel overwhelmed, they advertise a tv show of a family with 8 kids. i would be in an asylum if it were me. that's why it's not! ha! but on the Pollyanna side of things, the fall leaves and beautiful. nicely done Lord.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
popcorn twists
gotta love them. such a child hood food. the kids are fighting over them eatting them out of a sponge bob lunch kit. i think i need a sponge bob lunch kit. though i did get 3 of the best t shirts in veas from the "stupid factory". the name of the store alone should tell you alot. "i found jesus. he was behind the couch". a pic of 3 garden gnomes,"hanging with my gnomies". a rock and a ruler talking,"you rock. you rule."simple mind, simple pleasures.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
so, las vegas. great as always, but too short. 4 days was NOT enough. the phantom was the best performance i've seen of the 3 times i've seen it now. the actors were the best at emoting and their voices were fantastic. the theater was a beautiful replication of the paris opera house. spamalot was one of the funniest things i've ever watched. way to go eric idle! the tao beach was so much fun and beautiful, dancing the night away 2 nights in a row,aaaahhhhhhhh. the bed in our room stinking big room was delightfully comfortable. and the gondola ride was was really great to have NO responsibilities, and be able to be myself again for a moment. the moment was brief, and now gone. there isn't a "sigh" big enough to hold how i feel about that.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
4 hours
i will be at the airport in 2 hours and 4 till we 're in the air. aaahhhhh, las vegas. i am really excited, but the baited breath escapes me. i think i still don't believe me to be so lucky and bless to get to go. but i'm on my way. so here's to friends, celebs and fun!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
home sweet home
holidays are great, but coming home is the best. living out of suitcases is fun until you run out of underwear and can't find anything any more. funny how fast that happens when you have kids. but we're home now and all the laundry is under way. and it's back to work tomorrow until next thursday then it's veagas baby!!!!!what will i have to look forward to after that? josh's christmas cd and of course christmas it self! that's right i said it. CHRISTMAS! get used to it cause it's coming!
Monday, September 3, 2007
ah the internet
off on holidays and brock's still able to w.o.w.. technonlgy. what a thing. but we did the zoo, calaway park, banff, and the scottish heritage days. all were lots of fun. the kids loved the zoo, and we were crazy people and got there for 9 am and left by noon, cause the line to get in was about 300 yrds. long. no joke! ALWAYS go in the morning.went to peters drive in for the first time, good food. got s@#$% on by a bird while eating. always a nice way to finish dinner. calaway was great cause alarielle, my little chicken, loved the rides. all of them! so fun. in 2 years when naestra can go it'll be so fun. if you can afford to get in. the zoo was $30 just for brock and to get in, with a coupon, and calaway was $27 for just brock and i with 50% off do family's afford to vacation? crazy stuff. but just over a week till veags. can't wait.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
dark already!?
it was way too dark out when we left the tri. tonight. too much of a sign that winter is coming. i am loving the fallish weather but i'm not happy about the dark at 9:00. not happy at all.
but only two days of work this week, then it's work my a** off for the family. we're off for 5 days in calgary. the zoo, calaway park, scottish heritage days. should be fun! but why are holidays always work? it's probably cause i'm in that half packed phase, so you're never sure if you remembered it all of it you're going to.
but then it's only a short time till vegas, which i got THE best dress for phantom. woooo hoooo!!!!can't wait for the outlet shopping, and the belagio fountians!!!!!
but only two days of work this week, then it's work my a** off for the family. we're off for 5 days in calgary. the zoo, calaway park, scottish heritage days. should be fun! but why are holidays always work? it's probably cause i'm in that half packed phase, so you're never sure if you remembered it all of it you're going to.
but then it's only a short time till vegas, which i got THE best dress for phantom. woooo hoooo!!!!can't wait for the outlet shopping, and the belagio fountians!!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
so it was a nice drive to camp caroline, and an even more lovely camp. any place nestled in hills full of trees is wonderful.peaceful. a much needed thing for me, eventually i'll find that place i can stop and evaluate me. cause i'm really at a loss right now.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
another week
another week gone by already. yikes! but that means one week closer to vegas. i'd be concerned that i'd have nothing to look forward to after the trip, but there's robert munch, the arrogant worms, and christmas. apparently the wish book is out. i haven't got mine yet, the injustice of it all. i pick up my passport on monday. weeeee! and we're gonna drive ALL the way to Jim at camp tomorrow before the summer is suddenly over. and then a big old family dinner at mom's for my aunts b-day. we get to meet my cousin's wife for the first time though. should be interesting. and tuesday is dentist day. dum dum dum!!!!scary.then a full week of work again. but we did have some fun today , went to images and shades and got frankie super cool extension and i got a totally cool wig for vegas. i don't have to do my hair all 5 days!!! so great! i'm sure i'll have all sorts of pics to post after that trip.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
stupid truck
didn't even have it running for a week before it dies again. and it took near a month to get the starter fixed, and now we'reguessing it's the battery, but don't actually know yet. and i have to go to the dentist on tuesday. it's probably close to 2 years since i've been. time flies. soon we'll be off to calgary with the kids for the long weekend. that should be fun.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
dreamy sigh

aaahhhhh......josh groban. one of the best concerts ever! i would absolutely do anything in my power to see him again. amanda and lyn even got to touch him. aren't they lucky. ame right by them while singing. and holding hands. so fun. and so good for the soul to have two hours of music and laughs like that. i almost feel human again. mabye even like myself.good feeling.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
36 days
36 days until vegas baby! waaa hooooo!!! but even closer fun, jim comes home for the weekend tomorrow! boy is life quite without him around. so it's gonna be a singing bee marathon!yes! sweet! the kids have finally settled back in to life after grandparents again. hard to live with your parents all day. giggle. and after weeks of a dead truck and several set backs the truck is finally running again. and the tap in the tub isn't dripping hot watter. funny how these are exciting things in adult hood.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
kids again
yay! my babies are back and tired and cranky. yay for sleeping kids. but it was nice to mull around the house and do nothing except for 4 loads of laundry. work but easier to do with out the kids. tomorrow heritage days?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
day one kid free
a perfect day of production and slacking off. got a new starter for out truck, saw the simpson's movie(he he), brock got some new hockey equipment, we got a some golden barbs for out new 10gallon fish tank, since our beloved goldfish rocky has now passed on. we're stepping up into the whole new fish tank bracket. and we got a SUPER deal on my very early 30th b-day present! i have a new baby, a nice 17 inch acer 9300. WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe not the most necessary thing, but a welcome addition as any w.o.w. widow knows. the second p.c. in the house is very close to a necessity. then we got to just hang out with friends all night and not look at the clock for when to come home. nice!
Friday, August 3, 2007
kid free!!!
so i'm sitting on the eve of my kid free weekend. aunt chandra will be picking up the girls in the morning, and i won't see them till sunday night. yay! what to do?!?! see the simpson movie, fix the truck, look at hockey equipment, check out laptops. it'll be a good weekend.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
instant divadends 2
if you haven't already read rae's blog with the same title, do so and tell me honestly that it doesn't echo in your soul just a little bit. or in my case a screaming echo. then on the other hand i bought naestra a shirt today that i would wear if it was big enough that says"i'm not spoiled, just ask my staff!"
Monday, July 30, 2007
HURRAY! it's so much cooler today. i can sleep in my own bed, and not on the air mattress in the basement. i'm looking so forward to this up coming child free weekend that i fear i totally have it hyped up in my head and it'll be flop.
i have my bedroom looking all cozy i found a chocolate brown fuzzy blanket and a really cool chocolate brown netting over the bed that ties at all four corners. very girlie and fun.
and i got a bounce castle for kids. haven't inflated it yet cause it's at pen's cause it doesn't fit in my tiny yard. maybe tomorrow.
i have my bedroom looking all cozy i found a chocolate brown fuzzy blanket and a really cool chocolate brown netting over the bed that ties at all four corners. very girlie and fun.
and i got a bounce castle for kids. haven't inflated it yet cause it's at pen's cause it doesn't fit in my tiny yard. maybe tomorrow.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
hurray for shade and a pool. inflateable but lovely. penners got a super fantastic pool all the kids fit in and came with balls and toys and we sat under the shade of the tree in the backyard for hours. it was soooo what i needed. quiet happy kids and to cool was so great. atleast we found a way to survie this heat. i may be able to make it through the summer yet.
Friday, July 27, 2007
sweet deal
i got new patio chairs with nice fluffy cushions from superstore today. i love the end of the season clearance when it's not even near the real end of the season. aaahhhhh. but it's still too hot to sit outside.sigh, plus i haven't put them together.but soon........
funny how i never did a lot today but i never stopped running. but i did take an hour for me and had a pedicure. aaahhhhhhh soft feet. pretty toes. and now the kids are sleeping and i get an hour of silence before i do the same. i hope it rains tonight.
funny how i never did a lot today but i never stopped running. but i did take an hour for me and had a pedicure. aaahhhhhhh soft feet. pretty toes. and now the kids are sleeping and i get an hour of silence before i do the same. i hope it rains tonight.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
hey, it's less than 6 months till Christmas. small thought that keeps me going and happy. he he he. now that all of you are groaning, you can stop shaking your head at me. i'm desperately looking forward to next weekend. the in law's are taking the kids all weekend and we can sleep in,so to movies, look at laptops so ma bey i could actually use my computer in and amidst the husband, and see the simpson's movie. yes we will actually pay for it and laugh. (spider pig)giggle. but really life is so busy with work. sad really and i'm not even working full time. sigh. but it's the feeling you're running full tilt at a brick wall and all you can do is watch it get close and closer.woo hoo! but i think i'm gonna get a facial tomorrow and scrub and massage my troubles away! aaahhhhhhh......
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
the singing bee
HAHAHA! you should all be watching that show. it's so funny. plus boy does it teach you that you have no idea what you're really singing.
Monday, July 23, 2007
hot hot hot
i'm so done with the hot summer(stupid grasshoppers). but we did got to the Taste of Edmonton on the weekend and loved it. so much food so little time. and alarielle took her fist round in a bounce house. and loved it! for my little chicken, this is a BIG step. way to go baby girl! and they pet the animals in the petting zoo, which included a turkey and a zebu so fresh it still had it's umbilical chord attached. crazy but cute.
our truck is still dead, it's the game you play when you but your replacements parts from pick your part. but what's the point in a newer part when it's worth half the value of your vehicle. sigh.
our truck is still dead, it's the game you play when you but your replacements parts from pick your part. but what's the point in a newer part when it's worth half the value of your vehicle. sigh.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
i#$%^^&$#@ HATE grasshoppers. and they're starting to show their ugly faces here, so that means it's almost time for me to never leave my house till the snow falls. way past phobia here.
life feels long and arduous. like i told Rae, i feel like i'm trudging uphill in a mud slide. but the mudslide has to stop sometime. so i keep on trudging.
on a lighter note, we hired a fantastic little apprentice at work this week, she may be a long term girlie. oh the bliss of the thought. and my baby girl, who's very rapidly not a baby, has pretty consistanly been sleeping through the night for about a month now. PRAISE THE LORD! not much better in life than full nights of sleep.
Monday, July 16, 2007
life battles
it's amazing how the mundane can really wear you down, plus the heat just makes everyone grumpy. even if we are sleeping in the basement, an air matress is not as comfy as our posturepedic mattress. but it's still more sleep than we'd get in the 34 degrees upstairs. and even though our truck is dead, yet again, at least our parents are gone so we can use their truck till we can get ours fixed, i hope. it's amazing how you get used to having 2 cars and losing one is like cutting of your arm.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
#$@%&(&^# heat
kay it's way too hot out here. i'm debating sleeping in the basement with a fan! i'm totally jealous of all the people with a/c in their house. if you have it i'm coming over!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
the tat story
so, here's our tat's. as you all know brock's symbol's are for the girls. each one for their name, hurray for geeky names! as for me, my second tat has a longer story but one really near to my heart. bout a year or more ago i was talking a bit with Rae about how God really sees you, as an individual, in His presence, and what, or how, he calls you by name. i've always been fascinated with names and their meanings, it seems to mean so much in the bible. and i love that. once God really found you, he would give you a "new name". that was so cool. so i started to pray for a "new name", not really thinking that anything would come of it cause it seemed a silly request from a little girl to a dad who had better things to do. then we were reading "Captivating" in our bible study and i was reading about how in the creation story, eve was not an afterthought purely made to make Adams life easier but "the crowning Jewel of creation", the world was not finished with out her. and as i read this chapter, the Lord spoke the name Eve to me. not at me, but to me. with so much love and tenderness it constantly blows me away. so now as an ever reminder i have "eve" tattooed on my right arm. i have the fish on my back to show what i am, and eve to show who i am to the Lord. and nothing is better than that!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
inked again
it's amazing what you have to pay to get such a small amount of work done. but it looks fabulous. Dylan defiantly knows what he's doing. i would totally recommend urge2 to anyone wanting a tat. i don't have pics yet cause brock's at work and i want to post both of them. but they're lovely and tender. it's such a strange pain getting inked. really makes you wanna punch the artist, not cry or anything. just a frustrating obnoxious burn. woo hoo!
Monday, July 9, 2007
dry spell
hello tried and true! if you're reading this you really are a trooper! i know it's been a month, but it's been a really long moth full of work and germs and great friends visiting. that's you Rae! my uber fantastic friend Rae has graced my life for the last 2 weeks and brought my heart a great amount of dancing. even through the allergies and colds in my house. my heart is desperately sad that she is leaving in the next 4 days, but our motto to that has always been "coping is for losers", so yet again i embrace that with open arms.
brock and i are going to get our second tattoo's this afternoon. brock is getting the symbol for "naestra" and i'm getting a symbol for "eve". i'll post pics when they're done.
also we had the girls bday party on the weekend, which was fun. i can't believe the girls are 1 and 3. time fly's when you're having fun!
i also went and say "transformers" on the weekend and was really surprised! i would totally watch it again! so fun. but i'm off to finish all my house cleaning from the weekend, ugh! but i've already done all the floors washed vacuumed,and steam cleaned. fixed the dishwasher, ran and unloaded it. now on to laundry.
Monday, June 4, 2007
well i guess the sea of germs has ebbed in my house. thank goodness. but now everyone is grumpy from the heat and not sleeping. plus naestra is working on tooth #12. she's so fun to be around(great sarcasm). today has been a day of whining and tears from dawn to bed and i'm WAY too tired to deal with it so it's been a bad parenting day.
but we did go to the fair on the weekend and alarielle went on her very first ride of her own free will. that was an amazing feat for her. i was so proud. and i got to go and see pirates 3 which i likes. not as good as #1 but better than #2.
so now i sit here drinking an ice cream slush trying to be a great parent and ignore my kids! woo hoo!(whem brock got home from work and saw the look on my face from my day he just said"hey guess what?! Rae is coming this month." and i must admit it did make me feel better!)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
fun stuff!
so even though life is way too crazy and can totally bog you down WAY too fast i'm gonna list the reasons i'm using right now to keep my head high above water!
1, my GREAT friend Rae is coming next month, that thought alone makes my heart dance.
2, my kids are finally healthy
3, i'm going to vegas baby!!!!!!!!!!!frankie and i are going to vegas for our birthdays in september. we'll actually be there for her birthday but i can still be happy for mine and we're gonna see "phantom" and "spamalot"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
could i BE any happier!
1, my GREAT friend Rae is coming next month, that thought alone makes my heart dance.
2, my kids are finally healthy
3, i'm going to vegas baby!!!!!!!!!!!frankie and i are going to vegas for our birthdays in september. we'll actually be there for her birthday but i can still be happy for mine and we're gonna see "phantom" and "spamalot"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
could i BE any happier!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
so jasper was beautiful as always and my "red neck" is proof. makes me wonder why i don't live there. brain damage. but you've never seen a happier little girl than one who thinks you hold the moon just for her skipping rocks for the first time. way to go poppa.
amanda got back safe from aubi dah bi and i have the most beautiful blue pashmina silk wrap. mmmmm soft.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
last week of freedom?
so i'm back to work next week. wow a year can really go fast. yeesh. but it's not really like i ever left. i'v been minimally working since november. now i'll just be more part time. yay work! i'm actually excited to be going back to some normalcy and adultness in my life.
and i get to go to jasper for the weekend for mothers day with my entire inlaws side. i know you're all groaning for me, but i'm really pumped about it! it's gonna be great. first time we've all gone anywhere together. granted it's only over night, but it's still away from home and fun!
i should be getting my canary this week too. yay a pretty bird! actually it's kind a ugly but it's free so you can't be too picky.
and i get to go to jasper for the weekend for mothers day with my entire inlaws side. i know you're all groaning for me, but i'm really pumped about it! it's gonna be great. first time we've all gone anywhere together. granted it's only over night, but it's still away from home and fun!
i should be getting my canary this week too. yay a pretty bird! actually it's kind a ugly but it's free so you can't be too picky.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
john mayer

so John Mayer was fun, poor Rae, we had one empty lonely seat. and now it's raining out. which hope stays for a few days to make it all green. so they're filming some movie at WEM and brock filled out an app. to be and extra on line last night, and got a call back with in an hour, so he may be doing that on the weekend. kinda fun because it's a big name kinda movie. some christmas thing. and i start back to work in less than 2 weeks, which i've been dreading until the last week or so. i'm now quite looking forward to it. weeeee! it's always nice to be needed for more than a diaper change. and we got a new fish for alairelle,"rocky". which she loves in her little 2 year old heart. so cute. and i'm getting a canary from my in laws birds. they bread and i get a little on in a week or two. he he! so i'm off to make lunch and get ready for work tonight!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
stolen property 2
so my great friend rae is a thief and i'm scamming off of her, check her blog for details.
1. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ABLE TO FLY OR BE INVISIBLE: i would rather be invisible for the sake of the anonymous things i could do for people only if i could turn the power on and off at will. otherwise what's the use.
2. WAHT'S THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FROM YOUR PARENTS, TOGETHER OR ALONE:i'm gonna have to think about that for a few days, cause i'm drawing a blank.
3. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE CONDIMENT: a really good balsamic vinegar. nothing better!
4. DO YOU SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSPAPER? WHY OR WHY NOT: no i don't cause i don't have time to read it, plus you get way too bogged down with the sin and evil in the world. can't deal with it.
5.IF YOU COULD HAVE ONLY ONE SONG IN YOUR HEAD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHAT WOULD IT BE: what a lame question!!!!! but if i'm forced into a decision nina gordon "tonight, and the rest of my life"
1. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ABLE TO FLY OR BE INVISIBLE: i would rather be invisible for the sake of the anonymous things i could do for people only if i could turn the power on and off at will. otherwise what's the use.
2. WAHT'S THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FROM YOUR PARENTS, TOGETHER OR ALONE:i'm gonna have to think about that for a few days, cause i'm drawing a blank.
3. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE CONDIMENT: a really good balsamic vinegar. nothing better!
4. DO YOU SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSPAPER? WHY OR WHY NOT: no i don't cause i don't have time to read it, plus you get way too bogged down with the sin and evil in the world. can't deal with it.
5.IF YOU COULD HAVE ONLY ONE SONG IN YOUR HEAD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHAT WOULD IT BE: what a lame question!!!!! but if i'm forced into a decision nina gordon "tonight, and the rest of my life"
Monday, April 23, 2007
so April's almost gone! how'd that happen? and life seems so full and yet hanging on the edge of everything. ever have that feeling like life's about to take a running leap off a cliff and free fall for awhile and you don't know if it's gonna be a rush or just a screaming drop?
but i did get a massage today. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
and i got to see "blades of glory" yesterday for michelle's b-day. so fun. between anchor man funny and taladega nights. it was so hard to take the Napoleon dynamite guy seriously cause he REALLY reminded us of a former co-worker. lol
but it's a beautiful day outside and i', totally taking the kids our after their naps and we're bbqing steak for supper. now that's a good day. and hopefully we won't have to go to saint Albert to see my mom in law.
she's in for surgery on her gal bladder today, and may be released to morrow or friday. if she's gonna get out tomorrow we'll just wait till she comes home to see her. plus my mom is flying out to see her mom who technically died yesterday but is stable now. apparently her heart just went nuts and they had to use the paddles on her 3 times to revive her. which is not reviving some one technically. according to her living will she's not to be resuscitated, but the paddles apparently don't count. good grief.
and my sister leaves for aubabi on Friday. one of those places you never really thought was real let alone be able to visit. crazy.
as for me my week is crazy busy and it'll probably end up being another week until i post again. but you never know, hopefully i'll make a liar out of me.
but i did get a massage today. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
and i got to see "blades of glory" yesterday for michelle's b-day. so fun. between anchor man funny and taladega nights. it was so hard to take the Napoleon dynamite guy seriously cause he REALLY reminded us of a former co-worker. lol
but it's a beautiful day outside and i', totally taking the kids our after their naps and we're bbqing steak for supper. now that's a good day. and hopefully we won't have to go to saint Albert to see my mom in law.
she's in for surgery on her gal bladder today, and may be released to morrow or friday. if she's gonna get out tomorrow we'll just wait till she comes home to see her. plus my mom is flying out to see her mom who technically died yesterday but is stable now. apparently her heart just went nuts and they had to use the paddles on her 3 times to revive her. which is not reviving some one technically. according to her living will she's not to be resuscitated, but the paddles apparently don't count. good grief.
and my sister leaves for aubabi on Friday. one of those places you never really thought was real let alone be able to visit. crazy.
as for me my week is crazy busy and it'll probably end up being another week until i post again. but you never know, hopefully i'll make a liar out of me.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

there really are fewer things better in this world than a great spring rain. washing away the snow mold and bring the green to life. i love it. maybe a pink cheeked, sweat curled baby just awake from sleep. that's pretty great too. but today i choose to happily embrace the lovely cleansing rain. with a great cup of coffee, it makes it that much better. mmmmmmm
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
happy secrets
what's with people and happy secrets. yes i'm referring to you Rae and Brock. not nice to a girl who HATES to be left out of things. oh well, it's all about patience. ggggrrrrrr, but other than that it's a sunny day and the kids didn't die running errands. always nice. and i get ot work tonight for a little bit, not sure what i'm doing though. guess i'll find out when i get there.
so my girlfriend is turning 30 this month any painfully obvious ways to celebrate it for her to cause great embarrassment?i'm sure we can think of some thing. but all ideas are welcome. but it's my turn next year so i guess i should be some what kind. nnnnnnnaaaaaaahhhhh!so jim and i went to h&m yesterday. sooo great. defiantly going to be a staple in mine and hte kids wardrobes. such nice stuff. and pretty much old navy type prices. i like that. now just for sephora. more of that patience thing. yuck. well it's bible study tonight so i should go and re read james.
so my girlfriend is turning 30 this month any painfully obvious ways to celebrate it for her to cause great embarrassment?i'm sure we can think of some thing. but all ideas are welcome. but it's my turn next year so i guess i should be some what kind. nnnnnnnaaaaaaahhhhh!so jim and i went to h&m yesterday. sooo great. defiantly going to be a staple in mine and hte kids wardrobes. such nice stuff. and pretty much old navy type prices. i like that. now just for sephora. more of that patience thing. yuck. well it's bible study tonight so i should go and re read james.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
so more snow. and not just a dusting, but snow! the times alberta sucks........yeesh!
any hoo, easter is over and boy was that a trying holiday. definitely an attack for my focusing on God and trying to dig deeper. but i survived so far and with Him i can keep going!so we dust it all off and pick ourselves up and keep on hobbling. the highlight of my holiday was actually "what not to wear behind the seams". which i've now watched 3 times since friday. how sad am i. i really would give my left arm to meet them. some people love celebrities and i have an obsession with tv hosts. never said i was normal, infact i cherish not being such.
i think the ever constant snow is also affecting my emotions so i played with my hair in the bathroom this morning, i went from mid length punkish black with blue to Hally berry short and red. nice to be red again. it's been about a year now. that's a log time for me.
so enjoy your day where ever you are i will truck through mine with my mini cadbury cream eggs to sustain me. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
any hoo, easter is over and boy was that a trying holiday. definitely an attack for my focusing on God and trying to dig deeper. but i survived so far and with Him i can keep going!so we dust it all off and pick ourselves up and keep on hobbling. the highlight of my holiday was actually "what not to wear behind the seams". which i've now watched 3 times since friday. how sad am i. i really would give my left arm to meet them. some people love celebrities and i have an obsession with tv hosts. never said i was normal, infact i cherish not being such.
i think the ever constant snow is also affecting my emotions so i played with my hair in the bathroom this morning, i went from mid length punkish black with blue to Hally berry short and red. nice to be red again. it's been about a year now. that's a log time for me.
so enjoy your day where ever you are i will truck through mine with my mini cadbury cream eggs to sustain me. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
so it's been snowing since monday, ugh. so the girls and i went swimming with pen, Gideon, Ashley , casidy,apryl and thea. nice to go in a big group. but boy is my eldest a big chicken. thea just puts her to shame. but she is only two. hopefully she'll gain some balls through out her life of everything is gonna be a rough ride for her through out her next 80 years. and i've had no wheels all week again, and still not tomorrow. tomorrow the van's in for servicing. yeesh. some day we'll have 2 working vehicles again. i dunno how you did it all those years Rae! my hats off to you.
and to top off the amount of ridiculous money we owe the government from last year, got our taxes done and i owe another $ 650. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
but on the plus side H&M and SEPORA and opening at a mall near me this spring!!!!!
and to top off the amount of ridiculous money we owe the government from last year, got our taxes done and i owe another $ 650. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
but on the plus side H&M and SEPORA and opening at a mall near me this spring!!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
so still more snow. happy april to us. not a huge supprise really for alberta. so i actually watched the passion yesterday afternoon. i'll watch it again. ya it was hard to watch and i deffiantely cried, but not out of sadness. i guess more out of thankfullness. i think it helped to know what was coming next in the story. glad i finally did see it though.
Monday, April 2, 2007
so it's april 2nd and the ground is covered in a blanket of fresh snow. at least it's not really here to stay for more than a week. then i may jump a plane. but here comes easter! it's been how many years now...3.. since the passion came out. i even own it and i've never seen it. i think this is the year to buckle down and suck it up and watch what my saviour went through. still my fears lord and open my eyes to a new you.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
it's amazing how the second child gets overlooked. i was ordering some pictures of the kids and boy there are a lot less of naestra than alarielle. despite your best intentions not to let that happen, boy does it. i think it's just cause you have no time like the first one to sit and watch them sleep and take pictures of them smiling and sucking, now you're always chasing after someone. i can't imagine how much the 3rd one must get jipped. now it's off to feed the kids lunch and finish washing my milk soaked sheets. kinda gross waking up in a puddle of warm milk, especially your own.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
a whole week
i can't believe it's been a whole week since i last blogged. and i'd like to regale you with tales of interest and wonderment, but I've seriously just been running errands for a week. i mean it's meant a lot of shopping, but not all fun stuff. though i did get new dining room chairs for 19. 84 each. nice. they're a lovely charcoal grey low back parsons chair. mmm comfy. oh and our truck won't start. again. so might have to look at getting a newer one. yuck . more payments. weeeeeeeeeee. living debt free is so over ratted. the weather here is cruddy and it makes me wanna jump the next plane to anywhere, or just jump in the van and take off for a few days,come back when the weather is warm. i get to work today and tomorrow and then do hair all day at home on Thursday. always fun. just more to do in the day, which is alright. just feeling very tired and worn out. the song of any mom. so i'm off to unload the dishwasher and finish the laundry. then get ready to got o work. away we trod!
Monday, March 19, 2007
is it spring yet?

well, it's deffinatly spring in my mind, too bad the weather isn't going along with my hopefull wishes. i've got the spring fever to clean and move furnature and redecorate. pulled out my capri's yesterday while brock and i rearanged our bedroom. dunno if i'll be able to wear them any time soon but i'm hopeful.
Friday, March 16, 2007
lazy moring
it's a quite moring around here. the kids are happily watching garfiled, and there's no crying or fighting. that in itself is the nice part of the day. brock and i are headed out for coffee tonight as a replacement for our failed date on sunday. not the same as dinner and a movie, but we're going out to dinner tomorrow for my mom's birthday. mmmmm greek.
brock's taken the van to work the past two days so i'm kida housebound. the weather hasn't really been nice enough to wonder outside. but apryl and penn and the kids are supposed to be coming to work out this afternoon.that should break up the day.
on the WOOHOO side of life. my girlfriend finally sold her house, 5 years after the divorce, that her ex has been living in. so yay God!
but i guess i'm off to play playdoh. yay..........
brock's taken the van to work the past two days so i'm kida housebound. the weather hasn't really been nice enough to wonder outside. but apryl and penn and the kids are supposed to be coming to work out this afternoon.that should break up the day.
on the WOOHOO side of life. my girlfriend finally sold her house, 5 years after the divorce, that her ex has been living in. so yay God!
but i guess i'm off to play playdoh. yay..........
Monday, March 12, 2007
happy anniversary?
so it was our 7th anniversary yesterday, so we went to see "wild hogs" and go to the Keg for dinner. we had gotten ourselves some lovely Starbucks and just sat down to the movie when brocks phone vibrated and it was our in laws who were babysitting and now locked out of the house. so off we go back to spruce to let them in and order pizza and rent a movie. not quite the romantic night we had planned, but they promised us a rain check. i thought it was kinda funny really.
Saturday night we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner for Brandon's b-day but ended up waiting at his apartment for half an hour cause he thought we were meeting at 5 not 4, then he went to the wrong place to meet up with us and blah blah blah led to us eating dinner and hour late with cranky children. that was fun.
what a crazy weekend, but a few of us are off to take the kids swimming so i gotta go squeeze myself in to a swimsuit i haven't worn in 4 years. ugh!
Saturday night we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner for Brandon's b-day but ended up waiting at his apartment for half an hour cause he thought we were meeting at 5 not 4, then he went to the wrong place to meet up with us and blah blah blah led to us eating dinner and hour late with cranky children. that was fun.
what a crazy weekend, but a few of us are off to take the kids swimming so i gotta go squeeze myself in to a swimsuit i haven't worn in 4 years. ugh!
Monday, March 5, 2007
have i ever mentioned how much i love my in laws? they called up and just offered to babysit and pay for a night out for our anniversary. how great is that? no begging or imposing, just a great gift from loving family. can't ask God for much more than that. also i went to winners with my mom this morning and she bought me 2 new frying pans for our anniversary gift. i know it sounds as exciting as getting a shovel, but i'm thrilled, sometimes it's nice to not have to pay for the mundane day to day things. plus one of them's a super cool fun red pattern. yep a designer frying pan.
but the kids are up so i'm off.
but the kids are up so i'm off.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
light at the end of the tunnel
so it's been almost 3 days with out puke, and kids are getting back to their parent torturing selves. nice to see them annoying us like normal. though nasestra is still trying to push out another tooth, with one more coming right behind. 8 months, 8 teeth. nutty kid.
so it's one week exactly until my 7th anniversary. that's just nuts. though i find it crazier that we've been together for 11 years. still NO idea what were gonna do to celebrate. right now i'm just too worn to come up with and plan something. thought i refuse to not celebrate. that just seems like a slippery slope to future lack of recognition in all aspects of i suppose i'll come up with something last minute.
i'm listening to weird al's polkarama. boy if you ever need a smile, i doubt there's any mood you could be in and not at least giggle at this song. yay for weird al.
so the prestige was fantastic, never seen a movie with so many twists in it. watched man of the year last night, not what i expected. or as p.j. said "it was half of what i expected". not bad just not exactly what i thought it would be. i still have to watch superman returns and thank you for smoking. i'll get there eventually.
well i'm off to sync some songs on to my mp3 player. i'm out.
so it's one week exactly until my 7th anniversary. that's just nuts. though i find it crazier that we've been together for 11 years. still NO idea what were gonna do to celebrate. right now i'm just too worn to come up with and plan something. thought i refuse to not celebrate. that just seems like a slippery slope to future lack of recognition in all aspects of i suppose i'll come up with something last minute.
i'm listening to weird al's polkarama. boy if you ever need a smile, i doubt there's any mood you could be in and not at least giggle at this song. yay for weird al.
so the prestige was fantastic, never seen a movie with so many twists in it. watched man of the year last night, not what i expected. or as p.j. said "it was half of what i expected". not bad just not exactly what i thought it would be. i still have to watch superman returns and thank you for smoking. i'll get there eventually.
well i'm off to sync some songs on to my mp3 player. i'm out.
Friday, March 2, 2007
just kill me 2
so just when the world looked brighter, alarielle started to puke again, so naestra thought she'd join in. i've decided to give up parenting and join the circus.thank the Lord for a strong support group that bring you food with out asking if you need it so you don't have to cook, or the gift of laundry soap when your kids have everything you own in the wash. so far today looks safe. no puking yet. but i'm waiting with baited breath. sigh.
in lighter news i rented 6 movies last night, since i knew i'd be house bound for a few more days. watched Stranger Than Fiction last night. it was pretty neat, not your typical Hollywood plot so that was nice. tonight it's man of the year and the prestige. i'm very excited.
so i'm off to try to make my house not smell like puke. WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
in lighter news i rented 6 movies last night, since i knew i'd be house bound for a few more days. watched Stranger Than Fiction last night. it was pretty neat, not your typical Hollywood plot so that was nice. tonight it's man of the year and the prestige. i'm very excited.
so i'm off to try to make my house not smell like puke. WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
the armpit is over
well here we are on the last day of February, the month i lovingly refer to as the armpit of the year. we're well on our way to spring! HA! -17 out side. yuck. oh well that's life in Alberta and you can only complain about it if you live here. so the excitement of my day is calling developers to look for lots to build on. sigh. so far in all of spruce grove there's only 2 for sale to the public for WAY too much. land should not cost that much. stupid development. grrrrrrr. if i feel adventurous i'll venture as far as wal mart for diapers. ooooohhh aaaahhh. the life of a stay at home mom. it's all jewels and glamour. but i do get to work for a few hours tonight and converse with adults. and i am also thankful that alarielle is not puking any more and so far no one else in the house has contracted the bug. thank you God! well of to deal with whiney children! woo hoo!
Monday, February 26, 2007
just kill me now
so i had a uber fun time at my oscar party last night. all of you who weren't there, you missed out, but there's always next year. but he crowing jewel of the evening was my youngest "treasure" not sleeping and screaming most of the night away, and then waking up to my oldest in a pile of diareah and puke. i'm soooooo done.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
3rd annual
well it's Oscar time again. and once again i have been inspired by my great friend rae, and am throwing my 3rd annual Oscar party!!!!!! woo hoo baby! food, wine and prizes! and i made a great gift bag from the shop for the ballot winner. oh ya baby! so i think it starts at 6:00 on sunday, but i'm assuming the red carpet is before that( the best part).see you all there!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
happy post family day!
well to all you Albertans, i hope you spent your family day with those you love. we actually spent it with our families. went to the in laws for the morning and my parents for the 1st annual family day turkey dinner. any excuse for turkey really. it was nice to see my mother in law cause she's been sick with possible Gal bladder problems, so i can REALLY relate and feel great empathy for her pain. brock's off to work and it's mid afternoon. babe is sleeping and teething(weeeee) and alarielle is glued to garfield(as always) there are moments of being a bored stay at home mom. but they are only moments and it's really just the longing of adult conversation or the desperation to leave the house. that's why winter sucks around here. too long of too cold to take the kids out into the sunshine. though as my infinitely wise friend rae pointed out i'd rather have this life than the desperate life of our infamous Brittany spears. poor girl.
well it's time to finish the laundry and clean up for bible study. god bless and keep you all week long.
well it's time to finish the laundry and clean up for bible study. god bless and keep you all week long.
Friday, February 16, 2007
baby steps
so after a day of sitting on the couch visiting with friends and our kids having a play date, and it being day two of my new treadmill routine, i did actually close the door and say goodbye and walked/ran for 30 min.YAY ME! if you know me at all, that soooo huge. but you feel more motivation when you paid for the stupid thing, or guilt. maybe both. but it's surprising how much better you feel being able to work off the stress of your children. by 7:30 this morning they were both going to the Gypsies. but alarielle should be off to her weekly date with her grandparents in a few hours and then the star of my existance will be on. WHAT NOT TO WEAR.weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! so feeling smelly and happy i wish you all a great weekend!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
look out world
so i took Bonny's advice and bought the same treadmill as she did a few months ago and it was on sale(YAY). So here's to hoping i actually make the will power to use it religiously. not so good with the self discipline's not all that fun really. go figure.
so lent in a few days.........Rachel was the one who first challenged me to do it, and find something that would bring me closer to an understanding of God's sacrifice and love. so what to do this year....not sell my children to the gypsies could be a good start.........
so lent in a few days.........Rachel was the one who first challenged me to do it, and find something that would bring me closer to an understanding of God's sacrifice and love. so what to do this year....not sell my children to the gypsies could be a good start.........
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy love day
so it's valentines day, and i'm having lunch with my girlfriends. YAY! that's a good day. but i'm also spending the day reading treadmill reviews(yuck) and worrying about my mother in law. she's not feeling well and all her symptoms sound an awful lot like my gal bladder problems. NOT cool. so say a little prayer for her if your reading this. and if any of you out there have any advice for buying a treadmill or know of anyone selling a cheap one i wanna know. we had our staff lunch meeting yesterday and porked out on Chinese food, but a few of us also got honoured for years of service. so i got a little bonus and i wanna get a treadmill with it. one of those crazy steps to self improvement. not that i need it cause i'm pretty much perfect as it is. he he he. so i'm off to make a fantastic lunch. weeeeee!!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
howdy stangers
so, it's been a while, i know.but that's life with 2 kids and your husband addicted to wow and off for a week. i honestly haven't even touched the computer in a week. crazy. but life's forming back into routine. and valentines day is coming, and i can't think of a better way to spend it than with friends and chocolate watching the finally of beauty and the geek. OH YA!
i also get a fantastic lunch tomorrow, a Chinese food feast for a staff meeting. mmmmmmm
and i also got to hang out with some great friends and eat way too much chocolate(chocolate fountain)and wine at Michelle's on sat. night. it's amazing what you can dip in chocolate when you get imaginative. mmmmmmmmm
yesterday my mother-in law called in the mid afternoon and said that we(brock and i) wanted to leave so that she could babysit the kids. HECK YES I DO! so brock i had a romantic dinner at Harvey's . stop laughing. it didn't matter where we were, there were no kids. mmmmm silence.
so now it's back to the laundry and dishes. which my dishwasher broke again the other day. it was looking like it might be it for the old beast, but my wonderful husband fixed it yet again and i don't have to wash dishes by hand. oh thank God. no only do i hate that, i suck at it too. i think i may spend days whimpering and rocking in a corner when the old beast finally dies and i have no dish washer left. but it'll happen some day. sigh
i also get a fantastic lunch tomorrow, a Chinese food feast for a staff meeting. mmmmmmm
and i also got to hang out with some great friends and eat way too much chocolate(chocolate fountain)and wine at Michelle's on sat. night. it's amazing what you can dip in chocolate when you get imaginative. mmmmmmmmm
yesterday my mother-in law called in the mid afternoon and said that we(brock and i) wanted to leave so that she could babysit the kids. HECK YES I DO! so brock i had a romantic dinner at Harvey's . stop laughing. it didn't matter where we were, there were no kids. mmmmm silence.
so now it's back to the laundry and dishes. which my dishwasher broke again the other day. it was looking like it might be it for the old beast, but my wonderful husband fixed it yet again and i don't have to wash dishes by hand. oh thank God. no only do i hate that, i suck at it too. i think i may spend days whimpering and rocking in a corner when the old beast finally dies and i have no dish washer left. but it'll happen some day. sigh
Monday, February 5, 2007
the at home excitemnet
oh the joys of being a stay at home mom. it's snowing too much to take the kids out for no good reason, and i have 3 days of dishes piled over every inch of my kitchen counters. my dishwasher died on me.i could have hand washed the dishes( I THINK NOT!) or waited for my dear husband to fix it old clunker and run 3 loads of dishes all day today(much better option).then there's the never ending mountain of laundry. blech. today my life feels like the embodiment of glamour , let me tell you.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
well afer 2 and a half years of prayer, we finally have a GREAT answer, brock's boss, who has given him no end of greif is finally retiring as of a month yesterday. Thank you Lord! Brock's had nothing but trouble with his boss and the worst part of it all is that he claims to be a christian. It's made it all so sad. i really feel for the man, lies, deciet,and belittling are no way to treat your staff at any time, but when you're trying to portray the face of God, it's just sad. So thanks be to God for a huge blessing for our family, it felt like a large weight had been lifted off of us when brock told me over the phone. my heart felt lighter and happier than it has in a long time. So pray for contiued healing and blessing for Brock in his job, it's still far from the perfect work place.
Friday, February 2, 2007

as you may know, my mighty women are reading "captivating" as our study book for the year. (yep it takes us a year to get through a 12 chaper book, we like to spend ALOT of time conecting. he he he. ).any hoo, i was reading through the chapter about how God wants to romance you and i found the concept of imagining your favorite romatinc movie scene, and repacing the hero with God and your self with the heroine. Now, for me it's the elephant secene from Moulin Rouge(stop laughing). the idea of God not only serinading me, but persuing me in such a fashion seems rediculous. and don't want anything else to be truer. so i'm gonna bath in the thought of God being my ewan mc greegor today and smile, even if it is nasty gross outside. bbrrrrrrrrrrr.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
alberta weather
Gotta love living in alberta. it's soooo cold and snowy outside. yuck. though i feel worse for brock who's outside working in it for 10 hours. bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr. winter's so blah when it gets cold outside. you just get feeling way too house bound. i'd probably still venture outside if it was just me, but not with the kids. blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm done with winter.Rae i'm coming to visit you!
Monday, January 29, 2007
happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so i didn't really get to sleep in, but i did get to go shopping ALL by myself ,as my gift from my husband, and not only that, i found great deals. oh ya! i got a cute black dress to wear over jeans for $12.50, a pair of really nice dress pants from mexx for $10, a really cute suit jacket for $10, two pairs of leather gloves (lined with cashmere) for $5 ea, a pair of bermuda plaid shorts for $10 and some fun fuzzy socks. i love clearance sales. makes my heart happy!and i still get to go for greek and a movie tonight. i think we're gonna try to see the prestige. very exciting.
so all you girls out there, you have one year to save up to come and party with me for my 30th birthday. a fun filled weekend at the fairmont banffsprings hotel, and their world class spa. is there really a better way to ring in your 30's. i think not. can't wait. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm spa!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
stupid theater
so i was supposed to go and see "the holiday" with frankie tonight and the theaters stopped showing it as of friday. stupid theaters. gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........and there's nothing else really playing for us to see together. so we're gonna wait. stupid waiting.
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