Monday, December 31, 2007


as those of you who know me well are very aware, the past several months have been a really emotionally dark time for me and thusly my family. but the past weeks have felt like we're finally coming out of it. until yesterday. brock recieved an e-mail from our land lord that he's selling our home in the next 6-12 months. and because of the market in spruce grove we are in NO position to be able to buy it from him. so again i am sitting with nothing left in me in god's whirling wind waiting for the storm to cease.


111 said...

oh, dang. i'm sorry, honey. i wish i could help...ra

kristine said...

thanks doll, mabye we'll just come live with you!ha ha

Karen said...

That so sucks!

I wonder how God will provide for you and your family? That's kind of exciting to think about!

kristine said...

it has to be, cause i don't know what else to do,ugh!