Wednesday, April 4, 2007


so it's been snowing since monday, ugh. so the girls and i went swimming with pen, Gideon, Ashley , casidy,apryl and thea. nice to go in a big group. but boy is my eldest a big chicken. thea just puts her to shame. but she is only two. hopefully she'll gain some balls through out her life of everything is gonna be a rough ride for her through out her next 80 years. and i've had no wheels all week again, and still not tomorrow. tomorrow the van's in for servicing. yeesh. some day we'll have 2 working vehicles again. i dunno how you did it all those years Rae! my hats off to you.
and to top off the amount of ridiculous money we owe the government from last year, got our taxes done and i owe another $ 650. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
but on the plus side H&M and SEPORA and opening at a mall near me this spring!!!!!


juicy jim said...

i have decided that we will go and spend money @ H&M.

kristine said...

i think i'm gonna need to rob a bank to have enough to spend and be happy!