Monday, April 23, 2007


so April's almost gone! how'd that happen? and life seems so full and yet hanging on the edge of everything. ever have that feeling like life's about to take a running leap off a cliff and free fall for awhile and you don't know if it's gonna be a rush or just a screaming drop?
but i did get a massage today. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
and i got to see "blades of glory" yesterday for michelle's b-day. so fun. between anchor man funny and taladega nights. it was so hard to take the Napoleon dynamite guy seriously cause he REALLY reminded us of a former co-worker. lol
but it's a beautiful day outside and i', totally taking the kids our after their naps and we're bbqing steak for supper. now that's a good day. and hopefully we won't have to go to saint Albert to see my mom in law.
she's in for surgery on her gal bladder today, and may be released to morrow or friday. if she's gonna get out tomorrow we'll just wait till she comes home to see her. plus my mom is flying out to see her mom who technically died yesterday but is stable now. apparently her heart just went nuts and they had to use the paddles on her 3 times to revive her. which is not reviving some one technically. according to her living will she's not to be resuscitated, but the paddles apparently don't count. good grief.
and my sister leaves for aubabi on Friday. one of those places you never really thought was real let alone be able to visit. crazy.
as for me my week is crazy busy and it'll probably end up being another week until i post again. but you never know, hopefully i'll make a liar out of me.

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