Monday, July 23, 2007

hot hot hot

i'm so done with the hot summer(stupid grasshoppers). but we did got to the Taste of Edmonton on the weekend and loved it. so much food so little time. and alarielle took her fist round in a bounce house. and loved it! for my little chicken, this is a BIG step. way to go baby girl! and they pet the animals in the petting zoo, which included a turkey and a zebu so fresh it still had it's umbilical chord attached. crazy but cute.
our truck is still dead, it's the game you play when you but your replacements parts from pick your part. but what's the point in a newer part when it's worth half the value of your vehicle. sigh.


111 said...

you need to sign up for facebook & be my friend!

kristine said...

i'm on facebook babe!