Sunday, November 18, 2007

post retreat

the typical conversitions goes;
"how was retreat?"
"oh good, what was so great?"

how do you start to try to glimpse some one into the healing, brokenness, wonders, and tears of those particular moments? you don't so you just say "oh, God did some amazing stuff.". which is true, but you'll never capture the essence of the moments shared.
so, what did i "learn" at retreat? i learned; i am still very broken and far too raw to face it still. as much i think i'm fine and so much better, my soul is still in a very preciously raw place. and it's going to take my and my love(Jesus), a long time to figure this one out for me. the grace lesson i received was one of rest with my lover. i didn't have a life changing, world altering weekend, but i did find the Lord as my lover and we spent time in rest. the hard part is coming back home to the craziness of day to day and knowing he's still calling me to that place of rest, and will be for quite awhile. so here's my fun quote from the weekend;
"if , then, you are wise, you will show yourself to be a reservoir rather than a canal. for a canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus communicates, without loss to itself, its super abundant water. "
Bernard of clairvaux 12th century

1 comment:

111 said...

ooo - i love that quote. i'm glad you had a marvelous time. i love to hear that ...

big love...