Monday, March 12, 2007

happy anniversary?

so it was our 7th anniversary yesterday, so we went to see "wild hogs" and go to the Keg for dinner. we had gotten ourselves some lovely Starbucks and just sat down to the movie when brocks phone vibrated and it was our in laws who were babysitting and now locked out of the house. so off we go back to spruce to let them in and order pizza and rent a movie. not quite the romantic night we had planned, but they promised us a rain check. i thought it was kinda funny really.
Saturday night we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner for Brandon's b-day but ended up waiting at his apartment for half an hour cause he thought we were meeting at 5 not 4, then he went to the wrong place to meet up with us and blah blah blah led to us eating dinner and hour late with cranky children. that was fun.
what a crazy weekend, but a few of us are off to take the kids swimming so i gotta go squeeze myself in to a swimsuit i haven't worn in 4 years. ugh!

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