Friday, March 16, 2007

lazy moring

it's a quite moring around here. the kids are happily watching garfiled, and there's no crying or fighting. that in itself is the nice part of the day. brock and i are headed out for coffee tonight as a replacement for our failed date on sunday. not the same as dinner and a movie, but we're going out to dinner tomorrow for my mom's birthday. mmmmm greek.

brock's taken the van to work the past two days so i'm kida housebound. the weather hasn't really been nice enough to wonder outside. but apryl and penn and the kids are supposed to be coming to work out this afternoon.that should break up the day.

on the WOOHOO side of life. my girlfriend finally sold her house, 5 years after the divorce, that her ex has been living in. so yay God!

but i guess i'm off to play playdoh. yay..........

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