Tuesday, December 16, 2008
by the end of the week
so by the end of the week my kitchen will have gorgeous chocolate bamboo flooring and my upstairs will all be drywalled and ready for paint. more pictures to come. everyone get ready for a new years house warming!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
parental guilt
so feeling slightly guilty but not too bad. we took Tavin for his circumcision this morning. he did really well considering what was happening to him. i thought i did well even being in the room considering i can't watch any of that operation Dr type stuff. brock watched the whole thing and found himself cringing for Tavin. i said it was better to do now then when he's 14, then he'd really hate us. mom said he's gonna hate us at 14 anyways so we could have used it as a threat or punishment. now what act would require that as a consequence. hhhhhmmmmmmm.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
welcome little man

so yesterday after a whopping 25min of labour, (oh my goodness! that was a little crazy i must say! )we welcomed tavin brock griffin to our family. 9lbs 6oz and 22 inches. i'm not really sure where he was all hiding in me, but it does suddenly explain alot of the strange discomfort and movements i never really had with the much smaller baby girls we have. so far we're all doing well. i was discharged from the hospital not 24 hrs after his birth, which was good cause my room mate had a fussy little girl so we didn't sleep at all last night. so here's to hope of some decent sleep tonight.
Monday, November 24, 2008
one week
well here we are, one full week past due. ugh. today's my NST: non stress test, for the baby. and if nothing happens i'm supposed to be induced on wed, so on the bright side i should only be pregnant for 3 more days regardless. sigh. feeling very discouraged being this over due. but i did get an actual weekend of rest, aside from all the walking, raspberries and contractions. my in laws took the girls for 2 nights in great hope that all my contractions would lead to prince humperdink's arrival. my parents are home from the funeral of my grandpa and learned something new. apparently his name wasn't really Henry as we had all believed, it was Heinrich, much more german. mom wanted to know if we were gonna name the babe Heinrich now, HA! if she only knew what we were planning. ha ha ha! come on baby!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
the week ahead
so the fun part is that brock and brent got the stairs done going from the main floor to the upstairs on sat. no more climbing ladders and trying to fall down 2 stories, bonny! the sad, in the loss way, of the week is that my grandfather passed away this morning. but he was 89 and is now at peace. also little man who has no name is due tomorrow. no sign of him yet but i am hope full it will be this week. kinda crazy since my parents will have to be in Sask for a funeral and i have to stay home to give birth. talk about the changing of the guard. so here's to a crazy week ahead! may God be in it all.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
quick update
feeling stupid exhausted today for no good reason other than being ridiculously pregnant. but the house is looking great! from the front it looks like a real house with siding and everything, and they are knocking through the walls from the existing house to the addition this week, and finishing the siding on sat. thank God for no snow yet!!as brent put it " the house has gone from a cabin to a home. feeling excited. as for baby he has dropped like crazy person but stan still said "see you next week!" sigh.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
potential counter and flooring in kitchen & assembly hall=)

so all the men in my life are working like little beavers this week. my husband, dad and in laws have all taken the week off to frame in the addition. so i'm hoping to daily add pics of the progress this week. the goal is to have the roof on on sat. as long as the weather holds we should be alright. please God.
Thursday, October 9, 2008

the first pic is our old kitchen, now stripped bare and the second one is the pump truck the day we poured the basement walls. next week i should have pics of the addition being framed! we have our phone and Internet back! woo hoo. talk about feeling a bit like you lost your toe or something. annoying but not enough to stop the wold from functioning. however they still can't figure out our e-mail. so hopefully tomorrow. otherwise, telus will be getting a nasty phone call. ugh.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
this time next week
so we now have the basement walls poured, and it went relatively uneventfully. one corner did crack and it was a quick jump into the hole to stop the concrete from pouring out. but tonight the forms come off and soon the framing will begin. so hopefully this time next week i should have the kitchen walls and maybe even my bedroom framed. now it should get exciting. if only i weren't so very tired and hugely pregnant. i need a nap. again.
Friday, October 3, 2008
so we're in week 3 of no Internet, i'm on my dad's computer posting right now. so here's the update. we're in my parents basement and it's going just fine. the girls are starting to adjust. alarielle had a rough go if it the past 2 weeks, but we're settling in. FINALLY got the van fixed and i am back driving my mom bus. as nice as it was to drive a Pontiac g6 for a week, i really do love my van. mark's house is clean, empty and returned to him. woo hoo! moving while pregnant?.....i do not recommend it. but YOU ROCK to all who helped move and clean. i seriously couldn't have done it without you! so THANK YOU!!!! the house in stony has the excavating done and we're in the process of framing the basement walls so that they can be poured monday afternoon. so this time next week, i could have a basement. very exciting. my dad is building my kitchen cabinets for us, woo hoo, and has a line on getting all the supplies wholesale. that would just rock! i'm pretty much done at work. i have about 6 shifts left over the next 3 weeks. so it does feel good to wake up with out a mission right now, but give me 2 weeks i'll be going nuts. so life is gaining some sort of normalcy to it and it feels good. so now i just get to gestate for another 6 weeks and all chaos should break loose again!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
on any other day....
i could have coped if maybe i weren't pregnant and moving and renovating. but today was not a good coping day. i got the cold shoulder from someone and it really bugged me; naestra has a black eye, diaper rash that makes her cry and a cold; alarielle is getting the cold and i had to pick her up a ventilator and mask today, looks so sad on her; and i messed up on the who was watching the kids today so they came to work with me and melted so i had to cancel and go home. ugh. i'm done.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
day one
so today was "moving day". or at least the start of it. and let me send a HUGE shout out to my husband, in laws and friends who helped. you guys rocked the move. got half the house moved in one day. amazing. so now it's rest, rest, and sleep. soooooo tired. but brock and carolyn have a busy day of removing siding and kitchen cupboards tomorrow. i will be trying to find my kitchen and living room at marks house.
Friday, August 29, 2008
standing on the edge
so monday at 12:00 we get the keys to the house. dun dun dun dun. 90% excitement, 10% sh*&ing my pants. so after a fun filled morning, ( found a new comfoter, bed skirt and 2 shams for $10! thats right, bed in a bag for ten dollars. ) i spent the afternoon and evening totally exausted and sorting out more and more crap. but i got 5 more bags of garbage to haul away this weekend. and on monday, move all the outside crap and toys. then alarielle turn 4 on tuesday! and boy has she turned in to a little girl over the summer. wow. but more and more fun every day!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
insult to injury
well after 11 years of hairdressing, and 3 pregnancy's, it's finally happened. i have varicose veins. and apparently a big ol' nasty one that's inflamed and painfull. so the only solution for me while i'm pregnant?...........support hose! that's right, big ol' nasty pantyhose style support hose. ugh! at 30?! i HATE HATE HATE pantyhose on the best days. sigh. but on the flip side, i actually got a really nice saying on my Starbucks cup this morning, " don't kiss your kids so that they will kiss you back. kiss your kids so that they will kiss their kids. "
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
so brent went to his specialist apt this afternoon and carolyn called me 45 min in to say that he was on his way to surgery. his thumb is completely smashed and they were going to need to pin it and all that gross stuff. haven't heard how it all went yet. but i did spend several hours sketching out, with dimensions and cupboards and such, our new kitchen. fun AND frustrating. but on the crazy side of things i start my 3rd trimester next week. holy cow! oh the upcoming craziness. so if anyone is free to help move boxes on the aft/eve of the 1st or help me paint the living room come on over! i'm also staining the deck on the 1st weekend of sept. woo hoo!
Monday, August 18, 2008
things that make me happy
Saturday, August 16, 2008
calling all skilled men and women o the barn raising
Thursday, August 14, 2008
thankful sigh
we've got a month overlap to get the house and stay in marks house. so we now have one month to excavate and frame up a 2 story 2 room additions. here's to trusting god will continue to be faithful in working it all out, at the last minute.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
big huge prayers!
so here's the deal, we, and the banks, have decided that we can't afford marks house. but, my inlaws have found a cute little house in stony, and with some renovations, that include excavating and a new addition, it will be awesome. but that will take more than the 3 weeks we have left at marks house. so i just talked to mark and told him the situation and asked for any kind of extension in his house. he said him and tara would talk about it and let us know. so join us in crazy amounts of prayers that we wont have to live in a construction zone with the kids. thanks guys.
Monday, August 4, 2008
calling all friends, family, and people with musscle
so we have the month left to figure out where we are gonna live in 4 weeks. we did have a very hope full and potential offer come up today. should know by the end of the week if it's gonna work out. i'll elaborate then. but pray for wisdom and financing. and patience. coping with the state of my house has me actually depressed. there's no point in cleaning since we're moving, i can't keep it clean from the kids,and i have no energy to even try to because i am way to pregnant. this has been my most comfortable pregnancy but also my most exhausting. but we're more than half way there. woo hoo! guess we should work on names for this little guy. we've been mildly preoccupied with the housing and van and pregnancy. poor kid will just get named in the delivery room. ha ha.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"coping is for losers" as rae and i say
when life is overwhelming the blogs get fewer and farther between, can ya tell? i still have NO date on when the van will be fixed. suddenly getting a hold of insurance is impossible. ugh! i have 6 weeks to buy or move and i have not packed a thing and am just talking to the mortgage people now. more phone tag. i had a day of dizzy spells and had to spend it in emergency in stony. thank goodness for stephen potgeiter! i can barely function with out a 2 hour nap daily, so my house looks like my kids took over. which they have. but on the fun side we got to go to calaway park on the weekend just for the day and had lots of hot fun. 30 degrees is a bit much for me anytime let alone pregnant. Forrest Griffin beat rampage Jackson in the ufc. alright Forrest!!!!! it's raining today so i'm not melting into a puddle on the floor. my kids are having their 4th and 2nd birthday party on Sunday. when did the get so big? 3b (frankie's nickname for the baby) is doing just fine, and if you haven't heard is a happy little boy! so of course we are thrilled. i think brock more than me but you never know. so, we carry on day to day and stress away. here's to being able to drink again come chritmas!ha ha.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
well it will be the first time i will have ever bought anything to do with american idol, but i will be buying this season's winner, DAVID COOK's album when it comes out. sorry rae,but whoo hoo!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
darned blue tounged skinks
don't get all in a huff, it's an actual animal, but sounds like a great insult doesn't it?! skink. he he. i'm easily entertained. though that being said i am not a reality tv show fan generally. so i've been hijacked to watch 3 episodes of American idol this season, and tonight being the final episode i decided to watch. stupid judges are a bunch of skinks. i'll never make it through the 2 hour announcement of the winner tomorrow, but it sure looks like my choice is not gonna be the winner. bunch of drunk judges. the show should be sponsored by rye and coke in stead of ford and coke.
Monday, May 19, 2008
lessons in sunscreen
today was the PERFECT temperature day. beautiful and sunny yet cool in the shade. ahhhh perfection. so we decided en mass. to go to the valley zoo. 8 adults and 5 kids, not bad really. so we packed a lunch and put on our hats and sunscreen. i know you're all wondering why some one with my skin would even both with sunscreen, but it's good for you. so i sprayed down the kids and then also sprayed my tank topped self. only it never occurred to me to rub it in. so i now look like i've developed a sick and disgusting contagious rash all over my back and shoulders, all red and white and splotchy. that'll teach me to spray on sun screen.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
my indipendant angel
since my little naestra didn't want to disturb my nap, she decided to get her own juice. and being no juice cup prepared in the fridge she decided to go straight to the source. so where did i find my crying child but sitting in front of an open fridge in her beautiful pink sunday dress bathing in a giant puddle of strawberry juice, the empty pitcher beside her. gotta laugh, otherwise you just sit in the puddle with her and cry.
p.s. goodmorning frankie!
p.s. goodmorning frankie!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
will it ever end
week 12 of this whole baby gestation and i'm still napping 3 hours a day. no wonder i have no time to blog, and my house looks like a garbage dump. ugh.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
do we really need to?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
can't get enough sleep
some day i will find that place again where you wake up all on your own feeling rested and ready to face the day. it is not gonna be any time soon though. or the the foreseeable future. sigh. i think i'm just SO SO done with the first trimester exhaustion and the freaking snow! my patio furniture is all snowy in the back yard and boy did the little robin we saw look awfully cold.
though pen and i did have fun snooping through show homes this afternoon. mildly encouraging and yet still depressing all at the same time. double sigh. well here's to no stress while we rest in God's plan.
though pen and i did have fun snooping through show homes this afternoon. mildly encouraging and yet still depressing all at the same time. double sigh. well here's to no stress while we rest in God's plan.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
mear hours
so i pick up brock and chandra in 1.5 hours. he was able to call me from london this morning and all seems to be going well. no late flight or major injuries. it's only been 10 days but it's been a long stretch for me and alarielle. i'm too tired to function and she misses her daddy. so she's coming to the airport with me to pick him up. naestra gets to stay and play with poppa. dunno who gets the better end on the deal, but i'm pumped to see my husband! woohoo!
also, pen you're new station wagon rocks! i love it!
also, pen you're new station wagon rocks! i love it!
Monday, April 7, 2008
so fun
ahhh the juno's. we looked great i must say. but we never made it really close to the red carpet. we did stand on the stairs and watch the Canadian idol judges, sarah brightman, russel peters,and paul brandt go by. so that was cool, apparently you need tickets to the red carpet too. note to self for next year. but the show was GREAT and so fun. frankie and i karaokied it up in the car all the way to calgary and back.hahaha!
finally got a quick e-mail from brock and sounds like they're having fun. yay! and pen and pj should be getting their new "van" today! yeppie for them! other than being excited for them i'm excited for us cause we get pj's old car. we won't be a single vehicle family! thank you lord!
also i'm off to see stan tonight for my first appt. should get a due date. not sure i want one. i like it being more of a rough aproximation. i need a nap.
finally got a quick e-mail from brock and sounds like they're having fun. yay! and pen and pj should be getting their new "van" today! yeppie for them! other than being excited for them i'm excited for us cause we get pj's old car. we won't be a single vehicle family! thank you lord!
also i'm off to see stan tonight for my first appt. should get a due date. not sure i want one. i like it being more of a rough aproximation. i need a nap.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
the countdown is on
well it's an hour till go time. frankie should be picking me up in an hour and we are off to calgary. i really hope it's good weather. cause both of us have to sleeves to our outfits. but it'll be a big picture day!woo hoo! sarah brightman, finger 11, michael buble, fiest, avril lavigne, here we come!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
i'm gonna be so hot

so i got and e-mail from ticket master. a reminder of my upcoming event, "the juno awards". cause it slipped my mind. thank goodness for the reminder! ha! like i'd forget. i'm sure the reminder e-mails come in handy for certain things but i did remember that i am attending the juno's thanks. just made me laugh. but on the up side, i got my dress today!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
the start of it
well brock and chandra are 3 hours into their 11 hour flight to Scotland. brock should be getting the start of some cabin fever, unless it's a good movie, which i doubt. so here's to you babe! hope it's a good flight and and even better trip. see you in 10 days!
and since my husband is gone across the pond, frankie and i are off to the juno's sunday! oh ya! and my in laws and parents have volunteered to take the kids all weekend! so sat at 10:00 am i say "bye bye babies!" till monday afternoon. a weekend of getting my hair done, shopping for a juno dress and a road trip with a great friend and good tunes. oh the blissful thought!bring on the weekend!
and since my husband is gone across the pond, frankie and i are off to the juno's sunday! oh ya! and my in laws and parents have volunteered to take the kids all weekend! so sat at 10:00 am i say "bye bye babies!" till monday afternoon. a weekend of getting my hair done, shopping for a juno dress and a road trip with a great friend and good tunes. oh the blissful thought!bring on the weekend!
oh the bliss
may 6th!!! josh's awake live dvd/cd is released! i know the rest of you are all just laughing and shaking your heads at me, but it makes my heart happy. so it's a good day!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
sorting through the mess
so i have one BIG box of mat clothes and 5 small boxes. so i went through it all today and i have one small box that is staying. either the clothes are too big, too old, or look like they've been worn through 3 pregnancy's already. not cool. not that i really want to spend money on a new mat. wardrobe seeing as this will be the last baby for us, but i think i have not choice. oh well, here's to some new clothes. and on the topic of clothes i have nothing to wear to the juno's on sunday. a bit stressful. i think i know what i want which is even harder, cause then you can never find it. ugh.
in the adult part of my world we have someone from the bank coming tomorrow to talk about mortgages. feeling a little stressed about it all. ugh x2!
in the adult part of my world we have someone from the bank coming tomorrow to talk about mortgages. feeling a little stressed about it all. ugh x2!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
the word is out
so if you hear the rumours it's true. brock and i have lost our minds and are expecting baby #3 in november. we are now taking all bets on who's birthday it'll be born. brock's, chandra's or rae's. so get in on the pool early. ha ha. hope you all ate too much over easter. i know i did in the name of "eating for 2".
also my back yard is almost snow free enough to take my kids back there! woo hoo! that makes for a good day.
also my back yard is almost snow free enough to take my kids back there! woo hoo! that makes for a good day.
Monday, March 17, 2008
sick to death of it!
i'm so done with the snow! and the cold! as if the snow isn't bad enough it's cold to boot. ugh. makes being stuck at home a little harder. so alarielle and i are painting our toes purple in hopes that spring will soon reappear and we'll be able to show them off. ha ha! off to the laundry!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
so simple
rae you are constantly amazing me and challenging me, but in my vocab? www.freerice.com tests your vocab and for each word you get right 20 grains of rice are donated to feed the hungry by the UN. way too simple and amazing! so do it and feel good.
8 years
how times flies when you're having fun. happy anniversary to me and my man! love ya babe! here's to 8 more years , then i'm trading up so we have money for retirement. haha
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
someday i will be better at organizing my life into one vehicle, and a tandem work schedule. though neither of them make me happy to have to do it. maybe my subconscious is sabotaging me.
Monday, March 3, 2008
what the?!
freeking snow. you know you live in alberta when you're spring cleaning with the windows open and it's snowing like a mad man outside. one hand: infuriating. on the other, so Canadian it makes you proud!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
well i'm home from Vancouver and chilliwack. in a quick sum up, i ate too much, drank too much, laughed too hard, and got NAILED to the wall with a great amount of love. the conference was great, new things to get you excited, fresh perspective to re-energize old ideas,and fun make up! mike and jen are as fabulous as i always remember them. you guys truly rock my world. seeing you always charges my batteries, and makes my heart ache i can't see you more often. i love you so much. but i also barely slept so i'm half way into a coma. more up dates later.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
to the health unit
i'm off to the health unit for naestra's 18 mo. shots. weeee. did ya catch the sarcasm there? i'm not actually worried about naestra or her reaction to the needles. i can pin her down no problem. but i do have to take alairelle along, as you all know, she's a bit of a sensitive spirit. i fear total melt down, and then there goes naestra. oh well, off to stony we go!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
so close
the long weekend is here for us albertans. woohoo. but nothing big happening here. now next weekend i'll be in vancouver with 7 other co-workers. oh ya! and i get to visit some beautiful old friends. i'm so excited, and totally lost in the prep work before i go. i just want to wash the stress and prep work off so i can enjoy it. i'm really looking forward to the one hour and a bit flight to just sit with my music and breath. aahhhhhh. beautiful vancouver.
Friday, February 15, 2008
i must say it is SO beautiful out today. it's the first winter day that makes you really pine for spring. snows' all wet and melty, perfect snow ball weather. i even have the front door open to let the sunshine in. aaaaahhhhhh. i think i'm gonna take a nap on the couch in the sun. happy day.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
to the juno's
so we're off to the juno's in april. seems a long way off, but is not really. on the swing side, i'm off to vancouver next week with all the shop girls. i'm totally pumped, but have way too much of a headache to jump around right now. so we're off the a play at the church. i wish i was in a more social frame of mind. funny how a headache can make you so anti social. happy love day all!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
so the plan is
tickets go on sale sat. of the Juno awards being held in calgary. frankie and i are planning to go! woo hoo! a real awards show! so fun
Sunday, February 3, 2008
kriiation awards
can i just say that i truly have the greatest support group ever. not only did i get a 30th b-day party but i got my very own awards show. complete with top hats, jewels, red carpet, and awards. SO FREEKING FABULOUS! i was surrounded by friends, family, and celebrity guests( 8 by 10 photos, but it's the thought that counts.thanks for coming Josh, Johnny, and Clinton!). love was poured out on my from across the miles (Rae, you are my rock and my Diva), and from inside the room, though i was also sightly roasted, which really proves the love (my darlings Jim and Frankie). and although i took home the "meanopause is only a step away" award, i will be displaying it proudly next the my pic of my kids at work. a symbol of my proudest acomplishments in life, my beautiful girls right next to the plastic symbol of the love for me of all the people in that room and across the miles. you all rock my world equally as much as i try to outpour love on you and fill your lives with some of the most retarded laughter imaginable. if these 30 years have been the appitizer of my life, i am so looking forward to feasting on the rest of it with you all. HUGE love and a good flashing to you all, i want all the beads!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
3 more months of winter
as i sit in the basement huddle in my house coat, i'm thinking living in alberta is CRAZY. it's too figgin cold. i'm coming to join you Rae! though i truly do LOVE having the seasons. it's just the length of the winter, i think if every month had it's equal 4 month run, the cold wouldn't be as much of an issue. but i do LOVE the look of the clean white snow. so beautful, just don't make me go outside in it! ha!
i seem to have a 3yr old kangaroo offering me plastic french fries. he he. i so wanna be my children.
i seem to have a 3yr old kangaroo offering me plastic french fries. he he. i so wanna be my children.
Friday, February 1, 2008
in an effort to stay awake
i was cleaning up the kids toys and putting a purse of alairelle's away, found it stuffed with corn pops cereal. giggle
i don't remember signing up for this
well last night was the first night i ever had to sleep with my kids. i dunno even if sleep counts,laid on the floor of thier room with my eyes half closed, ears very allert to the eminent sound of puke. don't get me wrong, they've puked before, but i had to sleep between them on the floor of thier room, buckts ready to sping in to action all night. i am SO tired. today i wish i was rich with a nanny. just for some sleep.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
ah alberta
so work was interesting, cutting hair with no heat in the middle of winter is crazy. my hands were frozen. our furnace crapped out at the shop. but at least we had hot water and blowdryers, cause that wet hair was COLD! space heaters take a long time to warm up that concrete box. but on the fun side of the day i bought the sweeny todd sound track. he he, makes me happy. and tomorrow is immuniseation day. ugh....i mean woo hoo! can you sence my sarcastic enthusiasum?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
canto alla vita
dedicated to the one who guilty or innocent
lost in this sea
yielded to the stream
who didn't even be a winner?
dedicated to the one always keeping a hope
in front of a sorrow
in the cold of a room
dedicated to the one searching his own freedom
i sing to life
to all of it's beauty
to every wound of it
to every caress of it
i sing to life and all it's tragic beauty
to pain and to strife
but all that dances through me
to the rise and the fall
i've lived through it all
dedicated to the one who always made it dry
like possessed, slipped though the fingers
it was always already over
i sing to life
reflected in your eyes
easy and endless
promised land for us
i sing to life
sweet and even fierce
to this journey of ours
which still puts us in chains
it calls us.....
don't ever doubt
don't ever doubt
don't ever leave it alone
i sing to life
to all of it's beauty
lost in this sea
yielded to the stream
who didn't even be a winner?
dedicated to the one always keeping a hope
in front of a sorrow
in the cold of a room
dedicated to the one searching his own freedom
i sing to life
to all of it's beauty
to every wound of it
to every caress of it
i sing to life and all it's tragic beauty
to pain and to strife
but all that dances through me
to the rise and the fall
i've lived through it all
dedicated to the one who always made it dry
like possessed, slipped though the fingers
it was always already over
i sing to life
reflected in your eyes
easy and endless
promised land for us
i sing to life
sweet and even fierce
to this journey of ours
which still puts us in chains
it calls us.....
don't ever doubt
don't ever doubt
don't ever leave it alone
i sing to life
to all of it's beauty
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
well i've only been awake half an hour and it's - 36 according to my thermometer outside my window. that's without the windchill. holy crazy cold batman!!!!! and brock got up with naestra this morning to let my sleep, but then had to wake me up cause she puked a lot in the middle of the night sometime, but never made a sound. so she's had all the sticky fruit snacks washed from her hair already. we were debating a movie this afternoon, but it could be too cold to go anywhere.-54 with the wind chill apparently! ah Canada! as much as i hate the cold, it is a certain right of passage and source of pride for all us Arctic dwellers.
Monday, January 28, 2008
bitter sweet
so i got to see a very fun movie yesterday with my girlfriends. and i must say 27 dresses has my full support for anyone looking for a fun date movie. and i think it has one of my favourite movie moments in it, it's tying with a molin rouge moment. high praise i know but i'm willing to risk it. on the flip side, we walked passed a poster of heath ledger as the joker for the new batman movie and it stopped my heart and made it weep for a moment, purely for the tragedy of the loss of life. someone seeking so hard and internally tortured too much. i know he's not the only one to befall the same type of fate, but it's in out faces more so we are more aware. i think of how my heart aches for the pain heath must have been in, how much harder is it for our Father to watch us go though it. may we be sensitive and merciful.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
as i'm getting dressed for work, alarielle is playing in my room. and when i turn around, she's got 2 purple bra inserts on her face. " what have you got there?"i asked, to which she exuberantly replies, "eyebrows!"
things that make my soul happy
James blunt making a parody of "your beautiful" to "my triangle" on sesame street. he he he!
James blunt making a parody of "your beautiful" to "my triangle" on sesame street. he he he!
long time gone
both my babies happily are take a nap this afternoon. that's right, i said "how about a nap?" and they both went happily running to their room chanting "nap nap nap!" and cheerfully climbed into their beds all on their own. if only every day was full of such happy obedience. then again, i think our Father feels the same way. giggle.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
my taste truely is impeccable
ho ya! Josh was the biggest selling artist of 2007! and i think quite worthy of the honor! and then they go and wreck it all by making retarded merchandise to buy with his name and logo all over it for valentines. ugh. i mean i am a fan but i am NOT covering myself in his merchandise. talk about crossing some sort of creepy stalker line.
and i must say i really was sad to hear of Heath Ledger's death. i did really enjoyed his acting, but you always got the feeling he was an extremely tortured soul. i guess it can overwhelm any of us.
there's only a few precious days of my 20's left. come Tuesday i am "an adult". HA! you'll never take me alive responsibility and adulthood! but i do get to start the celebrating on Saturday with the Lincoln Brewster concert, then penny and Frankie are apparently hijacking me overnight Sunday. so fun, then it's Tuesday and Jim and i are gonna go shopping. and we'll see what the rest of the week brings!
and i must say i really was sad to hear of Heath Ledger's death. i did really enjoyed his acting, but you always got the feeling he was an extremely tortured soul. i guess it can overwhelm any of us.
there's only a few precious days of my 20's left. come Tuesday i am "an adult". HA! you'll never take me alive responsibility and adulthood! but i do get to start the celebrating on Saturday with the Lincoln Brewster concert, then penny and Frankie are apparently hijacking me overnight Sunday. so fun, then it's Tuesday and Jim and i are gonna go shopping. and we'll see what the rest of the week brings!
Monday, January 21, 2008
fabulous at 3
so we went out shopping and running errands today and my diva of a 3year old got herself a fur coat and matching purse. so stinking cute! gotta love post christmas sales! it's still a little big for her but now she has a fun church coat for next year and a purse to keep her crayons in. and let me say how HAPPY i am to have girls. i watched "superbad" on the weekend, and suddenly dealing with the bras, short skirts and periods doesn't seem so bad. i'll take it over the horny degenerates teen boys seem to turn in to for that phase of their lives. then again in the midst of the "i hate you" screaming and crying at 14 with my girls, i may change my mind and trade pen for gideon.
but, here's to my last week of my 20's! next tuesday i'm 30 and life for some reason changes.as for me my plan is to become even less mature and responsible. ha ha! by the time i'm 70 i should be a completely derange burden on my children. as i yell at naestra to get off the kitchen table. ugh! i'm so gonna do that to her when i'm old.
but, here's to my last week of my 20's! next tuesday i'm 30 and life for some reason changes.as for me my plan is to become even less mature and responsible. ha ha! by the time i'm 70 i should be a completely derange burden on my children. as i yell at naestra to get off the kitchen table. ugh! i'm so gonna do that to her when i'm old.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
7 hours later
ugh, 16 different meals 8,4-6 servings of each. but 4 of us have meals for a month in our freezers. sooooooo tired. need sleep.
Friday, January 18, 2008
and janurary just keeps rolling along
so for the good news first, michale buble was very fun! even got to do the YMCA. he he, but on the sadder side of things my grandma passed away this morning. so i may be off to the sun and fun of Saskatchewan. sigh. well, we're off to go swimming to wash our blues away. God bless.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
i can never get enough of this song. the image it paints is beautiful and echo's too true too often for me.
how long have i been in this storm
overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form
water's getting harder to tread with these waves crashing over my head
if i could just see you everything would be alright
if i could see you this darkness would turn to light
and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost into your eyes
i know everything will be alright
i know you didn't bring me out her to drown
so why am i 10 feet under and upside down
barely surviving become my purpose
cause i'm so used to living underneath the surface
if i could just see you everything would be alright
if i could see you this darkness would turn to light
and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost in to your eyes
i know everything will be alright
everything's alright
how long have i been in this storm
overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form
water's getting harder to tread with these waves crashing over my head
if i could just see you everything would be alright
if i could see you this darkness would turn to light
and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost into your eyes
i know everything will be alright
i know you didn't bring me out her to drown
so why am i 10 feet under and upside down
barely surviving become my purpose
cause i'm so used to living underneath the surface
if i could just see you everything would be alright
if i could see you this darkness would turn to light
and i will walk on water
and you will catch me if i fall
and i will get lost in to your eyes
i know everything will be alright
everything's alright
pain is part of learning who you are ( a shout out to all of my soul's supports)
this pre-life crisis is killing me,a beautiful tragedy
i wasn't me
we speak in silence words can't break
feels like i am falling awake, in a place and time of my own
you make it easier to be
easier to be me
fell off the world
fell from my feet
gave up on myself
you didn't gave up on me
let myself go, you were still there
like coming home, coming up for air
you make it easier to be
easier to be me
i wasn't me
we speak in silence words can't break
feels like i am falling awake, in a place and time of my own
you make it easier to be
easier to be me
fell off the world
fell from my feet
gave up on myself
you didn't gave up on me
let myself go, you were still there
like coming home, coming up for air
you make it easier to be
easier to be me
think it's about time?
well my house if finally normal( as my alarielle asks "mom where's the Christmas tree?"). no more magic and wonderful mystical joy of Christmas till next year. the trinkets are packed, the tree is disassembled, and a peaceful mundane is back in my house. SO.........the countdown in on people, just over 11 months till next Christmas!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
quit groban my buble
Friday, January 11, 2008
and so it beings
it really is a blessing to have a father in law who knows how to fix any vehicle problem and build anything i can come up with. but on the flip side of that coin, when your truck breaks down and he comes to look at it and tells you that "you should probably cancel your insurance tomorrow", it's not the ray of hope you where looking for in that $8 bottle of fuel line antifreeze. so the truck starts but it won't move. sigh. and the possibilities for lots for us to build on are out of county. wooooh. i really do want to look back on my 30th year with great joy and love, so i really hope this is the begining a great ride.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
lemon wacky hello

of course everyone has the shows we wonder" why did they ever cancel that?!". and just for the record i'm all over the "bring back futurama" bandwagon. but the little light of my life right now is the late 90'2 sitcom. "just shoot me". i do remember watching it in it's day, but i just bought season's 1&2 and it's laugh out loud fun. must find more seasons. he he. by the way, happy first birthday Gideon! love ya little man.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
yet another set back
looks like our truck has bitten the dust. it's dead on the side of the road in the trailer park. and they're supposed to be plowing there again this week, so there may be another parking ticket too. weeee.thank god for pen and pj who rarely need pj's car.
Monday, January 7, 2008
you should just stop reading right now
i swear my bog is turning into a never ending whiny *itch session. ugh! but turns out we had to pay the "snow route infraction" ticket in the end. GGGRRRRRRRR! and our truck is baked again. only we are afraid this may be the end. sigh. no house, no truck, it's a fun start to the year 2008. i'm hoping the year is just getting all the bad out of the way first, and the rest of the year will be nothing but smooth sailing. or at least a quieter storm.
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