Sunday, April 20, 2008

can't get enough sleep

some day i will find that place again where you wake up all on your own feeling rested and ready to face the day. it is not gonna be any time soon though. or the the foreseeable future. sigh. i think i'm just SO SO done with the first trimester exhaustion and the freaking snow! my patio furniture is all snowy in the back yard and boy did the little robin we saw look awfully cold.

though pen and i did have fun snooping through show homes this afternoon. mildly encouraging and yet still depressing all at the same time. double sigh. well here's to no stress while we rest in God's plan.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw a house on Arlie's page for 250K. Thought of you. :)

Now, get some sleep and if you need a kid break, I can babysit here sometime.


PS Still need to see a pic of you in your Juno dress!