Friday, October 3, 2008


so we're in week 3 of no Internet, i'm on my dad's computer posting right now. so here's the update. we're in my parents basement and it's going just fine. the girls are starting to adjust. alarielle had a rough go if it the past 2 weeks, but we're settling in. FINALLY got the van fixed and i am back driving my mom bus. as nice as it was to drive a Pontiac g6 for a week, i really do love my van. mark's house is clean, empty and returned to him. woo hoo! moving while pregnant?.....i do not recommend it. but YOU ROCK to all who helped move and clean. i seriously couldn't have done it without you! so THANK YOU!!!! the house in stony has the excavating done and we're in the process of framing the basement walls so that they can be poured monday afternoon. so this time next week, i could have a basement. very exciting. my dad is building my kitchen cabinets for us, woo hoo, and has a line on getting all the supplies wholesale. that would just rock! i'm pretty much done at work. i have about 6 shifts left over the next 3 weeks. so it does feel good to wake up with out a mission right now, but give me 2 weeks i'll be going nuts. so life is gaining some sort of normalcy to it and it feels good. so now i just get to gestate for another 6 weeks and all chaos should break loose again!


111 said...

have you seen posh spices new short do?? how much do i LOVE her hair! maybe you could cut mine for me? :)

miss yoU!

Unknown said...

Sooo glad to hear the report. I was going to come out the 30th and ended up puking all day. I wish I could have been more of a help to you. But come baby, you'll have suppers! See you tonight?