Sunday, January 28, 2007


i have the worst headache today. which sucks cause it affects everyting, you feel nasty so it comes out in your attitude and speech, which makes life with the and we had the obligitory family dinner at my aunts, which i love to go but i wish i was feeling better so it wasn't soooo much work and that i could enjoy it more. then on the way home brock got called to help his brother move. always what you wanna do on your day off. so he's grumpy cause it's a day of nothing he wants to do, just what he has to do.
i got a FABULOS dinner with friends last night and got to see "little miss sunshine". very funny, darkly funny, but funny. i really enjoyed it and would like to see it again. but i'm planning to go see the holiday tonight. very excited and michelle is taking me for greek and a movie tomorrow for my birthday. woo hoo! more movies than i've seen in a very long time. so great.
any hoo i'm off to take a tylenol and keep the kids quiet. mmmmmm quiet.

1 comment:

111 said...

i also loved little miss sunshine...and it made me never, ever want my girls to be in any sort of pageant...ever. and i mean, ever ever ever.

happy birthday tomorrow...i will see you soon (all things being relative...)