Wednesday, February 28, 2007
the armpit is over
well here we are on the last day of February, the month i lovingly refer to as the armpit of the year. we're well on our way to spring! HA! -17 out side. yuck. oh well that's life in Alberta and you can only complain about it if you live here. so the excitement of my day is calling developers to look for lots to build on. sigh. so far in all of spruce grove there's only 2 for sale to the public for WAY too much. land should not cost that much. stupid development. grrrrrrr. if i feel adventurous i'll venture as far as wal mart for diapers. ooooohhh aaaahhh. the life of a stay at home mom. it's all jewels and glamour. but i do get to work for a few hours tonight and converse with adults. and i am also thankful that alarielle is not puking any more and so far no one else in the house has contracted the bug. thank you God! well of to deal with whiney children! woo hoo!
Monday, February 26, 2007
just kill me now
so i had a uber fun time at my oscar party last night. all of you who weren't there, you missed out, but there's always next year. but he crowing jewel of the evening was my youngest "treasure" not sleeping and screaming most of the night away, and then waking up to my oldest in a pile of diareah and puke. i'm soooooo done.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
3rd annual
well it's Oscar time again. and once again i have been inspired by my great friend rae, and am throwing my 3rd annual Oscar party!!!!!! woo hoo baby! food, wine and prizes! and i made a great gift bag from the shop for the ballot winner. oh ya baby! so i think it starts at 6:00 on sunday, but i'm assuming the red carpet is before that( the best part).see you all there!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
happy post family day!
well to all you Albertans, i hope you spent your family day with those you love. we actually spent it with our families. went to the in laws for the morning and my parents for the 1st annual family day turkey dinner. any excuse for turkey really. it was nice to see my mother in law cause she's been sick with possible Gal bladder problems, so i can REALLY relate and feel great empathy for her pain. brock's off to work and it's mid afternoon. babe is sleeping and teething(weeeee) and alarielle is glued to garfield(as always) there are moments of being a bored stay at home mom. but they are only moments and it's really just the longing of adult conversation or the desperation to leave the house. that's why winter sucks around here. too long of too cold to take the kids out into the sunshine. though as my infinitely wise friend rae pointed out i'd rather have this life than the desperate life of our infamous Brittany spears. poor girl.
well it's time to finish the laundry and clean up for bible study. god bless and keep you all week long.
well it's time to finish the laundry and clean up for bible study. god bless and keep you all week long.
Friday, February 16, 2007
baby steps
so after a day of sitting on the couch visiting with friends and our kids having a play date, and it being day two of my new treadmill routine, i did actually close the door and say goodbye and walked/ran for 30 min.YAY ME! if you know me at all, that soooo huge. but you feel more motivation when you paid for the stupid thing, or guilt. maybe both. but it's surprising how much better you feel being able to work off the stress of your children. by 7:30 this morning they were both going to the Gypsies. but alarielle should be off to her weekly date with her grandparents in a few hours and then the star of my existance will be on. WHAT NOT TO WEAR.weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! so feeling smelly and happy i wish you all a great weekend!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
look out world
so i took Bonny's advice and bought the same treadmill as she did a few months ago and it was on sale(YAY). So here's to hoping i actually make the will power to use it religiously. not so good with the self discipline's not all that fun really. go figure.
so lent in a few days.........Rachel was the one who first challenged me to do it, and find something that would bring me closer to an understanding of God's sacrifice and love. so what to do this year....not sell my children to the gypsies could be a good start.........
so lent in a few days.........Rachel was the one who first challenged me to do it, and find something that would bring me closer to an understanding of God's sacrifice and love. so what to do this year....not sell my children to the gypsies could be a good start.........
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy love day
so it's valentines day, and i'm having lunch with my girlfriends. YAY! that's a good day. but i'm also spending the day reading treadmill reviews(yuck) and worrying about my mother in law. she's not feeling well and all her symptoms sound an awful lot like my gal bladder problems. NOT cool. so say a little prayer for her if your reading this. and if any of you out there have any advice for buying a treadmill or know of anyone selling a cheap one i wanna know. we had our staff lunch meeting yesterday and porked out on Chinese food, but a few of us also got honoured for years of service. so i got a little bonus and i wanna get a treadmill with it. one of those crazy steps to self improvement. not that i need it cause i'm pretty much perfect as it is. he he he. so i'm off to make a fantastic lunch. weeeeee!!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
howdy stangers
so, it's been a while, i know.but that's life with 2 kids and your husband addicted to wow and off for a week. i honestly haven't even touched the computer in a week. crazy. but life's forming back into routine. and valentines day is coming, and i can't think of a better way to spend it than with friends and chocolate watching the finally of beauty and the geek. OH YA!
i also get a fantastic lunch tomorrow, a Chinese food feast for a staff meeting. mmmmmmm
and i also got to hang out with some great friends and eat way too much chocolate(chocolate fountain)and wine at Michelle's on sat. night. it's amazing what you can dip in chocolate when you get imaginative. mmmmmmmmm
yesterday my mother-in law called in the mid afternoon and said that we(brock and i) wanted to leave so that she could babysit the kids. HECK YES I DO! so brock i had a romantic dinner at Harvey's . stop laughing. it didn't matter where we were, there were no kids. mmmmm silence.
so now it's back to the laundry and dishes. which my dishwasher broke again the other day. it was looking like it might be it for the old beast, but my wonderful husband fixed it yet again and i don't have to wash dishes by hand. oh thank God. no only do i hate that, i suck at it too. i think i may spend days whimpering and rocking in a corner when the old beast finally dies and i have no dish washer left. but it'll happen some day. sigh
i also get a fantastic lunch tomorrow, a Chinese food feast for a staff meeting. mmmmmmm
and i also got to hang out with some great friends and eat way too much chocolate(chocolate fountain)and wine at Michelle's on sat. night. it's amazing what you can dip in chocolate when you get imaginative. mmmmmmmmm
yesterday my mother-in law called in the mid afternoon and said that we(brock and i) wanted to leave so that she could babysit the kids. HECK YES I DO! so brock i had a romantic dinner at Harvey's . stop laughing. it didn't matter where we were, there were no kids. mmmmm silence.
so now it's back to the laundry and dishes. which my dishwasher broke again the other day. it was looking like it might be it for the old beast, but my wonderful husband fixed it yet again and i don't have to wash dishes by hand. oh thank God. no only do i hate that, i suck at it too. i think i may spend days whimpering and rocking in a corner when the old beast finally dies and i have no dish washer left. but it'll happen some day. sigh
Monday, February 5, 2007
the at home excitemnet
oh the joys of being a stay at home mom. it's snowing too much to take the kids out for no good reason, and i have 3 days of dishes piled over every inch of my kitchen counters. my dishwasher died on me.i could have hand washed the dishes( I THINK NOT!) or waited for my dear husband to fix it old clunker and run 3 loads of dishes all day today(much better option).then there's the never ending mountain of laundry. blech. today my life feels like the embodiment of glamour , let me tell you.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
well afer 2 and a half years of prayer, we finally have a GREAT answer, brock's boss, who has given him no end of greif is finally retiring as of a month yesterday. Thank you Lord! Brock's had nothing but trouble with his boss and the worst part of it all is that he claims to be a christian. It's made it all so sad. i really feel for the man, lies, deciet,and belittling are no way to treat your staff at any time, but when you're trying to portray the face of God, it's just sad. So thanks be to God for a huge blessing for our family, it felt like a large weight had been lifted off of us when brock told me over the phone. my heart felt lighter and happier than it has in a long time. So pray for contiued healing and blessing for Brock in his job, it's still far from the perfect work place.
Friday, February 2, 2007

as you may know, my mighty women are reading "captivating" as our study book for the year. (yep it takes us a year to get through a 12 chaper book, we like to spend ALOT of time conecting. he he he. ).any hoo, i was reading through the chapter about how God wants to romance you and i found the concept of imagining your favorite romatinc movie scene, and repacing the hero with God and your self with the heroine. Now, for me it's the elephant secene from Moulin Rouge(stop laughing). the idea of God not only serinading me, but persuing me in such a fashion seems rediculous. and don't want anything else to be truer. so i'm gonna bath in the thought of God being my ewan mc greegor today and smile, even if it is nasty gross outside. bbrrrrrrrrrrr.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
alberta weather
Gotta love living in alberta. it's soooo cold and snowy outside. yuck. though i feel worse for brock who's outside working in it for 10 hours. bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr. winter's so blah when it gets cold outside. you just get feeling way too house bound. i'd probably still venture outside if it was just me, but not with the kids. blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm done with winter.Rae i'm coming to visit you!
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