Monday, August 4, 2008

calling all friends, family, and people with musscle

so we have the month left to figure out where we are gonna live in 4 weeks. we did have a very hope full and potential offer come up today. should know by the end of the week if it's gonna work out. i'll elaborate then. but pray for wisdom and financing. and patience. coping with the state of my house has me actually depressed. there's no point in cleaning since we're moving, i can't keep it clean from the kids,and i have no energy to even try to because i am way to pregnant. this has been my most comfortable pregnancy but also my most exhausting. but we're more than half way there. woo hoo! guess we should work on names for this little guy. we've been mildly preoccupied with the housing and van and pregnancy. poor kid will just get named in the delivery room. ha ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i will help u in any way, shape or form. and as for the baby name i hear jim is a fantastic name!!!!