it was way too dark out when we left the tri. tonight. too much of a sign that winter is coming. i am loving the fallish weather but i'm not happy about the dark at 9:00. not happy at all.
but only two days of work this week, then it's work my a** off for the family. we're off for 5 days in calgary. the zoo, calaway park, scottish heritage days. should be fun! but why are holidays always work? it's probably cause i'm in that half packed phase, so you're never sure if you remembered it all of it you're going to.
but then it's only a short time till vegas, which i got THE best dress for phantom. woooo hoooo!!!!can't wait for the outlet shopping, and the belagio fountians!!!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
so it was a nice drive to camp caroline, and an even more lovely camp. any place nestled in hills full of trees is wonderful.peaceful. a much needed thing for me, eventually i'll find that place i can stop and evaluate me. cause i'm really at a loss right now.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
another week
another week gone by already. yikes! but that means one week closer to vegas. i'd be concerned that i'd have nothing to look forward to after the trip, but there's robert munch, the arrogant worms, and christmas. apparently the wish book is out. i haven't got mine yet, the injustice of it all. i pick up my passport on monday. weeeee! and we're gonna drive ALL the way to Jim at camp tomorrow before the summer is suddenly over. and then a big old family dinner at mom's for my aunts b-day. we get to meet my cousin's wife for the first time though. should be interesting. and tuesday is dentist day. dum dum dum!!!!scary.then a full week of work again. but we did have some fun today , went to images and shades and got frankie super cool extension and i got a totally cool wig for vegas. i don't have to do my hair all 5 days!!! so great! i'm sure i'll have all sorts of pics to post after that trip.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
stupid truck
didn't even have it running for a week before it dies again. and it took near a month to get the starter fixed, and now we'reguessing it's the battery, but don't actually know yet. and i have to go to the dentist on tuesday. it's probably close to 2 years since i've been. time flies. soon we'll be off to calgary with the kids for the long weekend. that should be fun.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
dreamy sigh

aaahhhhh......josh groban. one of the best concerts ever! i would absolutely do anything in my power to see him again. amanda and lyn even got to touch him. aren't they lucky. ame right by them while singing. and holding hands. so fun. and so good for the soul to have two hours of music and laughs like that. i almost feel human again. mabye even like myself.good feeling.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
36 days
36 days until vegas baby! waaa hooooo!!! but even closer fun, jim comes home for the weekend tomorrow! boy is life quite without him around. so it's gonna be a singing bee marathon!yes! sweet! the kids have finally settled back in to life after grandparents again. hard to live with your parents all day. giggle. and after weeks of a dead truck and several set backs the truck is finally running again. and the tap in the tub isn't dripping hot watter. funny how these are exciting things in adult hood.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
kids again
yay! my babies are back and tired and cranky. yay for sleeping kids. but it was nice to mull around the house and do nothing except for 4 loads of laundry. work but easier to do with out the kids. tomorrow heritage days?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
day one kid free
a perfect day of production and slacking off. got a new starter for out truck, saw the simpson's movie(he he), brock got some new hockey equipment, we got a some golden barbs for out new 10gallon fish tank, since our beloved goldfish rocky has now passed on. we're stepping up into the whole new fish tank bracket. and we got a SUPER deal on my very early 30th b-day present! i have a new baby, a nice 17 inch acer 9300. WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe not the most necessary thing, but a welcome addition as any w.o.w. widow knows. the second p.c. in the house is very close to a necessity. then we got to just hang out with friends all night and not look at the clock for when to come home. nice!
Friday, August 3, 2007
kid free!!!
so i'm sitting on the eve of my kid free weekend. aunt chandra will be picking up the girls in the morning, and i won't see them till sunday night. yay! what to do?!?! see the simpson movie, fix the truck, look at hockey equipment, check out laptops. it'll be a good weekend.
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